New Zealand isn't a realistic comparison, Germany is.
One of the curious things with the UK is it's been reported on tv without a source several times the last couple of weeks that the UK has the lowest percentage of people at work in Europe at the moment. It's curious if this is true and if so why? If it's the case also in terms of virus rates.
I saw this and am also puzzled. I remember when the mostly tory supporting tabloid and broadsheet papers used to run pieces as regular as clockwork about how us brits are the laziest people in Europe.
In the days before the Internet it was pretty easy to bullsh*t people as checking facts was not easy. One story that used to surface every year was how us backsliding and workshy brits had more public holidays than any other European country, total boll@x of course.
I see some finger pointing on the social media regarding "furlough badgers" and other strange social division comments. The subtext of which says that a portion of Britain is happy to take the money but not work for it, now where have I heard that before.
We need a source for that story do we not?