Probably another example of rules that don't make sense.No travel restrictions as far as I know.You can do what you want.The trains have been rammed,standing at weekend.

Probably another example of rules that don't make sense.No travel restrictions as far as I know.You can do what you want.The trains have been rammed,standing at weekend.
Went into town yesterday as part of preparation of going back to the office. Wetherspoons was insanely rammed by the looks of it.
I went inside a coffee shop and stayed in. It was all right but won't be doing it often. That one was a lot quieter than the other coffee shops.
This is another incentive that I just don't get. I know there is a difference between pubs and restaurants but breakouts seem to centre around these settings so why encourage us out? I had a couple of beers in a beer garden the first day they opened up here, but haven't been back since and don't intend to and a tenner off isn't going to change that.It's the eat out and get covid for half price government voucher that look's to be pushing even more into the pubs. Just at the time when things are starting to warm up and still no real understanding of all the extra data all this testing is making.
It's the eat out and get covid for half price government voucher that look's to be pushing even more into the pubs. Just at the time when things are starting to warm up and still no real understanding of all the extra data all this testing is making.
This is another incentive that I just don't get. I know there is a difference between pubs and restaurants but breakouts seem to centre around these settings so why encourage us out? I had a couple of beers in a beer garden the first day they opened up here, but haven't been back since and don't intend to and a tenner off isn't going to change that.
Yeah, I get that some people are working very hard to ensure compliance, but compliance just means cases reach an acceptable level, not complete safety and from where I am, the one or two spikes are coming from hospitality in one form or another. I just see it as a risk that I can do without right now. We are all doing our own risk assessments.We have lunched out in pubs 4/5 times over the past week - we have decorators in the kitchen.
All were Youngs Pubs
Very few people in there - but table arrangements would have ensured distancing had there been more
COVID protections all in place and unobtrusive
Ordering and paying via an App was contact-free.
Cutlery brought to the table on a tray
Drinks and food brought to the table on a tray and not handled by server
This is the thing we still don't have no one government over seeing this and really drilling into the data and then leading the local actions required. Unlocking is not a simple process and is messy without clear understanding of what's going on in the ground. The clear ground between Whitty and co and the government is becoming even more open. At the last briefing he made it clear to everyone that you can forget the government rosy picture of opening up and it's all ok. He also said it's not a second wave which sounds to be backed up from others who think it's more to do with the tail end of the first. As unlike other counties we never really forced it right down in lock down. Which is not a bad call given the testing was way off what we needed for a detailed picture.I worry the scientists are right, that the clusters in northern cities aren't as such that and that the virus is everywhere spread in England at higher rates than appears at a resolution of boroughs. Is it just random ONS testing is picking up things which are then amplified as testing piles into a particular geographic area?
Have to see on these mobile testers that can also do saliva tests. That would add a lot of capacity for the autumn. On one saliva test I am puzzled because I believe they have a lot of data, but I don't think it's been published and peer reviewed yet.
The beer garden I was in on day 1 was the same. You went in, stood 2m back behind sneeze guards to order then contactless payments before everything was delivered to a central point for you to pick up. I went in for the second round of drinks and it was already forgotten as I stood at the bar, paid cash and picked the drinks up directly from the bar. Quite a change of policy in 20 minutes.We have lunched out in pubs 4/5 times over the past week - we have decorators in the kitchen.
All were Youngs Pubs
Very few people in there - but table arrangements would have ensured distancing had there been more
COVID protections all in place and unobtrusive
Ordering and paying via an App was contact-free.
Cutlery brought to the table on a tray
Drinks and food brought to the table on a tray and not handled by server
Yeah, I get that some people are working very hard to ensure compliance, but compliance just means cases reach an acceptable level, not complete safety and from where I am, the one or two spikes are coming from hospitality in one form or another. I just see it as a risk that I can do without right now. We are all doing our own risk assessments.
The beer garden I was in on day 1 was the same. You went in, stood 2m back behind sneeze guards to order then contactless payments before everything was delivered to a central point for you to pick up. I went in for the second round of drinks and it was already forgotten as I stood at the bar, paid cash and picked the drinks up directly from the bar. Quite a change of policy in 20 minutes.
I've come to my very own unscientific conclusion that outside is where to be.I have a friend who has been in around 20 pubs now. He says it varies enormously. Some he thinks are as safe as an indoor environment can be, others he says are normal without standing at the bar. A lot of people are sitting outside in many where the risk is 19x lower than indoors if you attach much to govt or japanese academic studies.
I'm not looking to take away the hard work of certainly individuals but that was certainly my experience, our first minister has also warned she will close them without hesitation if cases continue at the current rate and behaviour doesn't change. I feel really sorry for those whose living depends on it, but I wish she would shut them now.As with every thing else a most companies will do just what is required to get signed off. With covid secure it's even more wide open as the certificate you stick up all you do is print it off with no checks.
What I keep hearing for staff who work in pubs is it's starts off ok but as the day go's on and the drink get's going. It's then when things go south. I'm also not convinced that all this waring just a face shield not a face covering is good enough either.
Seems to be mostly pubs up here with the latest in Aberdeen with over 120 people self isolating because of it and around 27 cases at the last count. Even the spike in Lanarkshire at the NHS test and protect call centre was attributed to 2 pubs and 1 shop. Obviously that's just 2 examples but there seems to be a pattern developing.I don't listen to every bulletin, but aren't the Gov blaming recent spikes Oop North on socializing at home (not in pubs etc)?
I've been in a lot of pubs - mainly on Yorkshire holiday 2 weeks ago - and everyone seemed very sensible (although some pubs had more ... extreme measures than others!). Not been in a town-centre Fri/Sat night scenario.