Bus driver and other transport have been found to be very high risk occupations (unlike you or I fortunately and that's a blessing), so protection is needed, besides the high level of mixing and most transport are closed, small confined environments with sometimes with poor ventilation.
Schools on the other hand, teacher has been shown to be a much lower risk occupation and continuous mixing of new households not already involved in mixing in schools is low. Schools also have a much more sophisticated testing regime available to them than most high risk occupations (that's changing and being worked on). You have it the wrong way round. Instead of worrying about schools you should be jumping up and down in anger asking for MORE protections for some high risk occupations like security guard and bus driver.
Even if masks were mandated inside in various environments, schools would be one of the last places to have them mandated as it's believed to be a much lower risk.
You of course think that's complete nonsense, but you do know every single bit of that. The tabloid newspapers and Boris continuously going on about pubs, schools and jolly holidays continues to perpetuate these myths and stoke the worries.
As in all things with such a widespread virus, things have to be simplified. It's not really pointless, you are protecting the bus driver/train/other.
I would be interested to understand why the bus driver is at high risk but not the teacher. Spending all day in a poorly ventilated classroom (in many cases) with 30 children and then mixing with potentially 150 different children in a day and maybe many more in the course of a week. What is the basis of the science which says one is low risk and the other high risk?
By the way I am not being flippant about the regulations - I think the time has come when they are a bit meaningless and I prefer to risk assess things myself - even though I might be less informed than the SAGE committee. However I am quite risk adverse where the virus is concerned.