You've got to be extra careful if you've got a direct member of family likely to be adversely affected by the virus. I'm certainly making sure I wash my hands very thoroughly at work when I visit the loo, but I'm one of those that rubs eyes, touches face. I'm working in a Uni where many folk aren't hygenic - even if our loos are looked after fantastically by our cleaning staff, there are loads of folk that don't wash after visiting.
My son is in a risk group, but he's fit and healthy. If he got ill, we'd be looking after him - he can't just go to bed and sleep it off, with Type 1 we will need to be monitoring his blood levels constantly - if I got ill, I can just rest and not eat etc. We'd have to ensure he ate etc etc, and control his insulin pump if he wasn't able to. We can stay away from my parents, and especially MIL.
I've no worries for me, Mrs F, daughter, but son, parents and MIL, definately. If my parents got ill, then we'd have to risk getting ill to ensure they were OK. MIL, then that's a different case as we may be carriers by then and can't exactly go into the Nursing Home if they end up short of staff.
I've been to the chemist to ensure my son has enough supplies in - he's running low as he's just got a new pump (new set of stuff needed), so we've no reserve of blood test strips for his pump meter, but we have backups for his other meters. Just gone for more insulin too as any illness can either mean he needs very little, or loads. It's a gamble. Docs are a pain with test strips - they are expensive, but he's been told to test 8 times a day - a pack of strips can cost £30-£50 and will last 5 days - that's alot of money each month.