Coronavirus outbreak

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Legendary Member
Vernon was a much loved member of the community. He retired from his job as a teacher then suffered a heart attack shortly afterwards. Put Vernon in the search box. You will find many fabulous threads about him.
I have seen many comments about him, all of them good. Sounds like he was a genuine nice guy.


Legendary Member
Vernon died in March 2016, a couple of days after he had retired as a teacher. He was with his wife and visiting his daughter in Europe when he had a heart attack. He was a lovely man, with an impish sense of humour and dedicated to educating some of the most challenging adolescents in Leeds. He had a number of loves: his family, his friends (many of them on CC), his Woodrup Rohloff Chimera bike, pies and booze. He loved touring on his bike - and a search on CC will reveal some of his many adventures in the UK, Europe and the US. He produced a map of pie shops in Yorkshire and carefully graded each pie awarding points for look, taste, texture etc. He was well loved by all - I was one of his many friends having met him through CC. He also loved modelling and I am still in contact with one of his US friends who he met via a modelling website. Vern stayed with him at the start and end of his US adventure in the summer of 2015.

edit: @ianrauk has beaten me to it!! Thanks Ian :-)
Many thanks for your input. I feel sad and I never knew him.


13 year old dies from the virus ..... :sad:


The continuation of 'wet markets' in China is a mystery to me. I know they have a problem in Africa, and elsewhere, with bush meat, but in somewhere as regulated, authoritarian, and not-afraid-to-use-force, as China, I don't know why they allow these practises to persist. It can't just be bowing to tradition as they pretty much eradicated foot binding, within a generation, once they decided to act on it.


Hello decadence
The wet markets may well be where the virus originally crossed into humans, but don't forget that like most viruses, it's no respecter of wealth, ethnicity or culture. It seems that Italy's poor situation is due to traditional family structures: children, parents and grandparents living and interacting closely. It was also due in part to health care staff not having the correct PPE and passing the virus on to patients. We may well disapprove of aspects of Chinese culture but IMO, this alone cannot be blamed for the pandemic.


Norven Mankey
The continuation of 'wet markets' in China is a mystery to me. I know they have a problem in Africa, and elsewhere, with bush meat, but in somewhere as regulated, authoritarian, and not-afraid-to-use-force, as China, I don't know why they allow these practises to persist. It can't just be bowing to tradition as they pretty much eradicated foot binding, within a generation, once they decided to act on it.
The Chinese value freshness above all other things when it comes to food. If you go into a supermarket there (not a traditional wet market) it's very common to find a tank full of live fish. They're extracted with a net and the purchaser takes it home still alive
The wet markets aren't that popular with younger, better educated Chinese as they prefer supermarkets. But for the many millions of older Chinese this all they have aver known in terms of buying food...the daily trip to the market. And if they wanted meat, fish etc etc, then it was usually live, at least when it entered the market.
I'll ask my Chinese friends tomorrow what is being done to regulate the markets better, post pandemic. I would expect that there ill be some major changes


East Sussex
sure is
Added to the sadness is it’s been reported that he had no under laying conditions.

I keep hearing about viral load, so if someone is exposed to a large dose the symptoms are worse.

Also with these younger cases I would like to know, did they smoke or vap, with kids were they passive smoking as I think it’s a relevant piece of information.

With vaping is it creating better conditions in the lungs for infection? You are filling your lungs with excess moisture after all which can be a breeding ground for such things.
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