If Derbyshire which includes Derby is anything like Sheffield, they are likely targeting the wrong places. It's reported in poorer bits of the city that there are outside gatherings of 10-20 children/adults and a lot of inter household mixing going on, sometimes for hours at a time.
The clapping event last night turned into a party between 3 houses in my street, going on until after midnight.
This morning four young lads met up with fishing rods and headed off together down the road.
The lad with learning difficulties continues to wander back and forward to the shop umpteen times a day, stopping to chat with anyone who'll let him.
There's more and more young people wandering about in ones and twos, not particularly going anywhere and the inevitable dirt bike has appeared with numerous different helmetless riders zooming all over the place.
My desk is by a window and I see it all passing me by.
I watched the window cleaner work his way along the houses, knocking on each door with his hand out. I put his money on an envelope on the window ledge - he took the money, screwed up the envelope and threw it behind a flower pot

Now been told not to come back, even if he survives.