It would be churlish not to wish he gets through this quickly and without some of the more unpleasant symptoms others have had. It's difficult not to feel some irony here though.
I guess I'm churlish then.
He has endangered a lot of people, both indirectly and directly.
Indirectly, through inaction, the catastrophic mitigation policy, the slow-unfolding farce of the not-really-locked-down lockdown, and his mismanagement of medical supplies and the mobilisation effort.
Directly, by "I shook hands with everybody" in a hospital that is treating covid patients while taking NO precautions whatsoever.
Hancock has tested positive too and I expect many more in the HoC will follow suit and will have gone forth and spread it amongst their constituents. It's doubtful to say that Johnson is patient zero within HoC but he has certainly infected a lot of people.
It was only a few days ago that he jokingly referred to the project to procure ventilators as "Operation Last Gasp". Gallows humour, perhaps, but given that the only-recently scrapped mitigation policy was to "take it on the chin" and allow lots of old and immunocompromised to die, it's hard to see it in that context.
Again, he literally just botched the EU's joint ventilator procurement project by going "the dog ate my homework" aka "sorry the email was in my spam box".
If he gets terribly sick (which he won't), he will not be one of the ones dying in a conference hall because the hospitals are full and all of the ventilators are in use.
To use his predecessor's language, "let me be clear:" Fark him.
I don't want him to die from this, I want him to
learn from this.