UK yesterday had it's youngest death she was 18 it also came with at some time of the eldest 102
UK yesterday had it's youngest death she was 18 it also came with at some time of the eldest 102
At risk, though I haven't had the NHS letter yet. I don't think anybody has, though. (I have a slight feeling I've already had CV-19, caught off my daughter, just before the UK started taking this half-seriously. Fever, dry cough, no other symptoms. Similar with my daughter. Of course, this might mean that I've already had my opportunity to pass it on but that I am now immune. There's no way of knowing this for sure though.)
On the dangers of believing too much in rapid cures.
Maybe this could be a new threadnot really current affairs?
Been through 111 questionnaire and it has told me to phone in.
Symptoms still quite mild
Same as Mrs ok. Medium grade flu
Will call 111 shortly.
thanks for following/reporting on this.602 new deaths in Italy. A two day in a row fall.
I've just had the text from NHS Coronavirus Service. Thought i might due to my COPD, although its often moderate, it can be severe at times.
Told do not leave my home for a minimum of 12 weeks. The only concession seems to be i can open a window !!
So at least 12 weeks of captivity and boredom living on my own. I shall go off my nut.