Cracking a solo.
I had a chat to my neighbour yesterday, at a suitable distance of course over the garden wall, chat consisted of what you would expect currently including the general stupidity of people not socially distancing themselves. Eventually broke it off when I said I should be getting on with my planting, he agreed he needed to get on as well as he was going to visit his parents.Relatives in some places are not being allowed to attend burials or cremations during lockdown. So there's a chance that you infect granny and she'll leave in an ambulance and you'll never be allowed to see her again.
"I know I shouldn't" he said as I stood there staring at him.
"No, you shouldn't."
"It might be the last chance I get to see them though."
"Yes, it may very well be!" I said.
He drove off about 5 minutes later.