Coronavirus outbreak

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Boris:- It is very important for people's mental and physical wellbeing that they should be able to get out and exercise," he says, adding not everyone has a private open space. "That is why parks and open spaces are absolutely crucial." :okay:
Indeed but the public have shown they cannot be trusted, they congregate, it happened here so Macrons government ramped up the message by shutting public spaces.
The pictures of sea side resorts with people milling about doing sea sidey things shocked me, as though an attitude of must get a last day out because we might be shut up for a while, more time wasted and more contacts.
The drone aerial view of a Tesco further up the thread seems to show distance between the poor saps queuing around the perimeter of the car park. People are starting to get the message, probably via some personal fear but its not fast enough, every hour counts surely?


Legendary Member
As I remember hearing:

Hitler, he's only got one ball,
Goerings got two but small,
Himmler has something similar,
But Goebells has no balls at all

Spot on


Legendary Member
If the government can't give nurses adequate PPE at this starting point,
We gave all the protection gear to China
UK sends 650,000 gloves, wipes and gowns to China to fight Coronavirus crisis
Britain is also sending 2,500 face masks
Maybe we thought we were inviincible and could replace them easily
I also know that a company in the Southampton sent Apple in Germany 1000s of face masks


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Most of the businesses in and around my village seem to have come together and for some at least looking at ways of at least trying to get some income. For example, one of the two village pubs * is now offering a takeway service as well as bread and other foodstuffs, a couple of farm shops are now taking telephone orders, as is a Spar about a mile and half away.
As an aside, my next door neighbour who sells kiln dried logs told Mrs B yesterday he can't keep up with demand, because more people are now staying home.
*The other pub is apparently demanding clientele keep a social distance.:wacko:
If the government can't give nurses adequate PPE at this starting point, having known this was going to hit for two months, how on earth are they going to deliver suitable food and medicine reliably to up to 1.5 millions next week?
I heard the man say "whatever it takes", I also heard (paraphrase) "if it costs billions". I guess there are only so many sources of PPE and there are now many, many buyers, procurement need to be working on this day and night.
It’s Good Friday in 19 days, God only knows what it will be like at Easter if the weather is fair and the masses are allowed to roam around everywhere, , Boris and Co have got some major decisions to make , it’s obvious that what is being reported that not a lot of notice being taken of the perils that may unfold ,
Bank holiday should be postponed as two days more to celebrate when the dread is over, whenever that will be.


In my town, the cafe in the market square appearing to carry on as usual


Re food the army will be running the show together with the supermarkets who know have to deliver food. The week link is the hope LA know who need's what. Many don't have clue.


East Sussex
But they need enforced lockdowns or totally harsh penalties for bars, pubs that open, I would fine, prosecute and revoke their license indefinitely.
I cycled pasts 4 pubs, all open, all packed total idiots all of them.
This crisis has shown me a large portion of the country are total morons.
The NHS opening time for Tesco’s was a nice idea but my wife won’t do it again it was more dangerous.
The PM asking the determined idiots to do the right thing simply isn’t working. Meanwhile, here in Scotland, the police are no longer asking but ordering all licensed premises that have so far failed to follow advice, to close.

Any licensed premises which refuses to comply with the government advice is today being visited by officers who will serve an emergency closure order on the grounds of the threat posed to public health and safety. The compulsory closure under the Licensing Scotland Act remains in force for 24 hours but will be repeated as necessary.

They will also be reported to the Licensing Board for further action to be considered.

The time for asking nicely has now passed, the PM needs to be firm.
My local bar and cafe is run by two oldies. They have a tobacco license, my dopey young friend went in and asked for a drink, she laughed and said "only tabac". It is a license fail to contravene a public order much like it is in the UK, no license, no trading.
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