Coronavirus outbreak

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Leg End Member
· "I don't need to wear a mask because I've been vaccinated"
· "I can hug them because I've been vaccinated"
· "I'm alright to visit that packed pub because I've been vaccinated"

· "I don't need to isolate while showing covid symptoms because I'm wearing a mask"
· "I can hug them because I'm wearing a mask"
· "I'm alright to visit that packed pub because I'm wearing a mask"

Nope. Do you enjoy suggesting other people believe stuff you invented?
Asked a question given your comments on the increased risk taking due to mask wearing and getting vaccinated.

The answers were predictable, plucked out of thin air.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Asked a question given your comments on the increased risk taking due to mask wearing and getting vaccinated.
Could you rephrase that as a sentence?

The answers were predictable, plucked out of thin air.
The examples should be predictable because anyone who has been out and about the last year will have heard them. Probably most people who haven't will also have seen them on TV news vox pops and social media. Those nobbers are not rare!


East Sussex
It would be nice if Branson, Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezo, Gates etc got together and paid for everyone in the world to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Ignoring the fact that Gates already does a ton for charity, why should they? It’s not their job to.

I’m not being difficult, but if that’s the case we should all help as it’s as much my responsibility as theirs.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Similar sh1te was said at the time seatbelts were introduced. I recall my Dad for example, arguing against compulsion because he knew someone thrown from a convertible sports car in crash. That saved him from being crushed if he had been wearing a seat belt.
I used seatbelts every time they were available, before they were compulsory and in my teens spent longer in convertible cars than my Dad had ever done in his life, but having a discussion with him about it was utterly pointless.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
· "I don't need to wear a mask because I've been vaccinated"
· "I can hug them because I've been vaccinated"
· "I'm alright to visit that packed pub because I've been vaccinated"

· "I don't need to isolate while showing covid symptoms because I'm wearing a mask"
· "I can hug them because I'm wearing a mask"
· "I'm alright to visit that packed pub because I'm wearing a mask"

Nope. Do you enjoy suggesting other people believe stuff you invented?
A lot of these reasons you list could have been mitigated if the message from those above had been clear and concise. It’s been anything but. Of course joe public can go find out themselves as all that info is in the public domain. I also think some choose to ignore and play the daft laddie.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
On my last ferry trip there was 99% compliance with mask wearing. The exception was a group of 3 who came into the lounge wearing masks but immediately took them off. Then came the usual announcement on the public address system that it was the law in Scotland to wear masks on public transport including ferries unless exempt on medical grounds.
This group them fished about in their pockets and a handbag and produced green ribbons with a bit of card on the end which they put round their necks and continued their conversation. They came in wearing masks so did not seem a problem then. Tourists generally seem to have problem with mask wearing as most are English and see no reason to obey Scottish law.
I moved to another seat away from them.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Merkel applying the screws to the unvaccinated.

How long before it happens here?


Legendary Member
While we were in Madeira last week the rules changed to require Vaccination AND weekly testing.

- Proof of vaccination for all events and massive testing of the entire population (every 7 days).
- Participating in/attending activities/events - (Vaccination Certificate AND Rapid Antigen Test required as November 27th) to participate in or attend public and private sector activities, events including sports, restaurants, hairdressers, gyms, bars and clubs, cultural events, cinemas, nightlife activities, games, casinos, and other similar activities, people must be vaccinated and tested (every 7 days).


Legendary Member
Full on but infinitely more possible on an island with 250k people vs 65m.

I also think vax passports should be made mandatory for large events where security is in place to control, sports matches, concerts etc. Tougher to put that onus on smaller places like shops, pubs, gyms.
Especially given the number of cockwombles who get abusive towards staff when simply asked to put a mask on ffs :angry:


East Sussex
I'm currently having a "discussion" with someone, and their claim is Myocarditis only existed after the vaccine was released...

I have found peer reviewed documents saying risk from cardio issue is higher from the virus then from the vaccine, but as usual I get a nuh uh and the doctors who did the papers are paid shills, the way they can just dismiss accredited doctors and scientists never ceases to amaze me.
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