On 20 juli 53.9% had received second injection.
Infections started to rise exponential from 450 to 700 per M.
That near-linear vaccination trend just continued.
And now, at 55.6% second injection, that explosive infection trend has converted to an even steeper drop.
A mere 1.7% extra vaccinated -it doesn't look like that vaccination trend had any effect on infection trend.
Conclusion is that vaccination trend didn't effect infection trend.
Likely, the antibody levels of the first vaccinated already waned from sterile down to again infectable.
And later on, again more sick, upto the point where the story started with.
Fresh cannon fodder available for the virus.
Governments hunting total lockdown 2, production stops, panicking people, dumped stocks, next crisis.
See, that's what they do since ages: creating boom and bust cycles. Panicking suchas willing to sell cheapskate to them, after euphorically purchasing high from them. Rinse and repeat.
I think that's all there is to say, about this pandemic.
Future will tell !