Coronavirus outbreak

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You're right there pal, sorry you've been dragged into it, the conversation went something like this...
Daughter "having the jab Friday "

Dad "how come?"

Daughter "head of early yrs told us to go on line and book one, she's wrote us all a letter explaining we work with vulnerable kid's and if asked show them".

Dad "nice one".

Wish I hadn't bothered. 🙄
Have you told her all the trouble she's caused since??
Have you told her all the trouble she's caused since??

Let's hope the Lad doesn't get one!

Ajax Bay

East Devon
sorry you've been dragged into it
Let's hope the Lad doesn't get one!
Happy to take my turn into the wind, provide the quid pro quo is the opportunity for sucking wheels the rest of the time.
Yes: the inmates will 'cry havoc and let slip the shackles of peace'; oh, and bring t'walls down, from within.
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Sheffield, UK
Latest (8th March) US CDC guidance:
  • Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart.
  • Visit with unvaccinated people from one other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart if everyone in the other household is at low risk for severe disease.
  • Refrain from quarantine and testing if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 after contact with someone who has COVID-19.
Bit premature, no?

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Here is the SPI-M-O paper (7 Feb) which modelled easing NPI restrictions in stages. It combines the ICL and Warwick work and will have been foundation for deliberations and UK Government decisions shared on 22 Feb.
* All four scenarios modelled lead to a substantial resurgence in hospital admissions and deaths later this year.
*The scale and timing of these resurgences are critically dependent on very uncertain modelled assumptions, including real world vaccine effectiveness against severe disease and infection; vaccine coverage and rollout speed; behavioural factors; and the extent to which baseline measures (which could be voluntary) continue to reduce transmission once restrictions are lifted. Given this uncertainty, it would be inadvisable to tie changes in policy to dates instead of data.
* As restrictions are relaxed virus transmission will increase. The more slowly restrictions are relaxed, the greater the number of hospitalisations and deaths prevented by vaccination and hence it would be less likely that restrictions would need to be reimposed.
* A significant proportion of adults will remain who are not directly protected by vaccination.
e.g.: Proportion of adults directly protected against severe disease = 85% (assumes 15% not vaccinated (unable or unwilling)
Vaccine efficacy against severe disease x 79% (average of Pfizer and Oxford-AZ).
So final coverage = 67%
But only around 79% of the population are adults (53M over 18), which means population level protection is lower, at 53%. In addition, protection against infection is likely to be lower than that against disease. As a result, herd immunity is not reached without a large resurgence of transmission.
Comment: This relies on the unvaccinated catching it in numbers and developing antibodies.
Comment: If trials show vaccine can be used on under 16s then herd immunity becomes more achievable - once that cohort (12+M) is vaccinated.
Note: Modelling doesn't try to take account of seasonal effects (beneficial effect), any waning immunity (detrimental affect), or the adverse effect of any VoC that emerge in significant amounts in UK. There is emerging evidence (so less uncertainty) about vaccine effectiveness against serious disease (hospitalisation) and against transmission.
The paper perforce makes loads of assumptions and plenty of sensitivity analysis. But I'll paste one graph - the current England plan is slightly more prudent than the blue line in the graph below. And hospital occupancy is currently (8 Mar) about 80% of the black line (ie better than the model assumes). And summer's coming.

Assumes baseline (after all easing) measures reduce transmission to equivalent of (old) Tier 1. Assumes 4m doses per week from 22 Mar and uptake of 95% (over 80s), 85% (others). From the Warwick model.
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Huge Member
Fly Fifer
So really anyone who thinks its business as usual come June 21st is havin a laugh !! Think I prefer the more cautious approach to unlocking up here, however it makes no difference does it if a neighbour close by has opened up a lot more ?

Ajax Bay

East Devon
I prefer the more cautious approach to unlocking up here [in Scotland]
More cautious? Steady as she/we go.
Scotland will return to a tiered system from the last week in April; the 'framework' would be staggered at three week intervals - two weeks faster than in England.
FM told MSPs the five-level system should see the entire country enter Level 4 and drop down to Level 3, which would see sectors such as non-essential retail reopen from Apr 26. The stay at home restriction will be lifted from Apr 5.
"It is therefore from the last week of April that we would expect to see phased but significant reopening of the economy, including non-essential retail, hospitality and services like gyms and hairdressers."
Care home restrictions will be eased and from Mar 15, the next phase of school returns - including primary and some secondary students - will begin. Outdoor mixing will also increase to four people from two households.
Communal worship can also resume, maybe for Passover.
FM said she will "seek to accelerate" changes where possible. She added that she was "optimistic" about restoring "more normality" to people's lives in the coming months.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Yep but the tiered scoring would be tighter! measuring the rate of infection per 100k would be require half again in comparison to last year before moving into the next tier. Anyway lets wait another week to see what further changes she plans.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
What's happened to @tom73 ?
I was worrying about that last night. Last posted in early Feb.
He's going to be setting out more later this month "about the way ahead" and that "people should certainly be able to plan on that basis".
So no need to panic buy the bog roll we will have plenty of time to stock up in the mean time.
And @kingrollo has stopped(?) contributing since 25 Feb.
Lol - you couldn't make this shite up could you ! Unbelievable !
Maybe both are taking a breather from their NHS duties now cases are a tenth of their ghastly peak (?6 Jan) and hospital (with C19) numbers are down from 38,428 (19 Jan) to less than 10,000.
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