Can somebody help me with maths, at the current rate of decrease of cases when will it dip below 1000 a day on average, tia
Edit to add: Currently at circa 89,000 total last 7 days so might take a while to get below 7,000 a week. Just curious as it has been suggested that less than 1000 a day would be when lockdown could be relaxed (apart from schools).
#All figures are 7-day averages (as opposed to a particular day eg Thursday) Edit: 14 Feb = 12,289pd (x 7 is 86,023pw)
I plotted the
UK reported case numbers out
assuming that the rate falls 25% each week: this is an average of what it's been doing the last three weeks (+ or - 2). Answer: Case rate will drop below 1000 a day on
17 Apr (chart shows 945 on 18 Apr). From 29,900 on 24 Jan, 12,289 on 14 Feb (both data); estimate: 9328 on 21 Feb, 7080 on 28 Feb, 5310 on 7 Mar).
Note this is not what you asked but is likely more representative (see alternative answer below the graph) and is the type of decay seen in epidemics (see second clip below).
I observe that the daily case rate (much less testing mind*) was below 1000pd from 24 Jun - 18 Aug.
*Testing rates were 86kpd on 24 Jun and 615kpd on 10 Feb.
[If we keep the current numerical rate of decrease it'll dip below 1000 per day on about 7 Mar (beware the Nones of March!).
(reducing by 550 a day for 21 days from 14 Feb). Just in time for getting our children back to education proper.]
Here is the daily reported death graph (1 Mar - 1 Aug) from to show the more likely decay curve.