FT's Seb asking whether they will open up before under-50s vaccinated - Boris ducked
Question not answered because a reasonable answer would be so easily miscontrued/mis-reported. Though the answer is 'yes', that is not the message that our leaders wish to convey, because some people will immediately fail to maintain the good behaviours seen so far this year.
Decision on "opening up" will depend on reported new cases falling to a threshold below which our NHS can reasonably cope (reinstating all the 'normal' life saving and life enhancing medical activities). The NHS is always stressed in the winter, and COVID-19 has added to the strain, to the detriment of all else.
The JCVI defined first 9 groups need to be vaccinated before any (normal) under 50s receive their first dose. And there will be a substantial pause those people getting their first dose because. In April and May most of the vaccination capacity will be taken up giving Groups 1-9 their second jab (about 20M so 7-10 weeks). Only thereafter will the under 50s be called forward. I am making the assumption that the programme will reach and then maintain 2M per week. It may well be that we can do better, but that will also depend on supply.