Coronary Heart Disease - Diagnosis

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I was prescribed low dose 1.25mg bisoprolol for a month while I was having AF episodes back in Feb (and as pill in a pocket at the end of the course but I’ve not needed it). It made me very tired and dropped my HR by about 10 (from mid 50s to mid 40s). May also have dropped my BP. I was post knee op so not cycling but I am sure the tiredness would have had an impact. You’ll just have to see how you react to the med for a month I’d think.
Statins can cause muscle pain so see how that goes and ask to be switched to another if affected to any degree.
Those drugs are all there to lower your risk of stroke/MI.
Not sure why the asthma would be relevant?

Beta blockers conflict with Ashtma - Hence my surprise.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Write down the questions you’d like to ask, in order of importance. Take the list to your GP appointment.


Is your asthma very severe / poorly controlled.?

I do crap on peak flows (350)- but havent had an asthma attack for about 50 years

Done more diagnosis by google my calcuim score of 26.5 puts me in the low risk category. They did a similar thing when they advised me of refraction rate 60-65% - which they have since agreed is normal.



Legendary Member
I do crap on peak flows (350)- but havent had an asthma attack for about 50 years

Done more diagnosis by google my calcuim score of 26.5 puts me in the low risk category. They did a similar thing when they advised me of refraction rate 60-65% - which they have since agreed is normal.


Did you discuss your asthma and current medications with the cardiologist alongside the new meds?
It seems like the issue is drug interactions with some asthma meds more than asthma per se?


Legendary Member
Yeah - I have thought about that.

Would be wise as you seem to have lots of questions and concerns. GP can refer you. See someone who perhaps isn’t in the same hospital


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Zero side effects, apart from the faff of remembering to take them.
I missed 2 doses of warfarin in my first few weeks on it. I realised that it was too risky relying on my memory so now I DON'T! :okay:



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Not the best start to 2024 - I had a CT scan on my Heart in December - this was because I started getting palpitations after being advised to take ramirpril - I thought he switch me to a different drug - but he didn't he ordered a CT Scan of my heart.

Anyway got a letter confirming presence of coronary heart disease - with the proviso that it is non obstructive. and a calcuim score of 26.5 au

Most worryingly he has recommended the following drugs

Asprin 75mg
Atorvastation 80mg (Statin)
Bisoprolol 2.5mg. (Beta blocker)

Just wondered if anyone has experience of these drugs and there impact on cycling

I am 60 years old - asthmatic

Any advice welcome.

Most worryingly he has recommended the following drugs

Asprin 75mg
Atorvastation 80mg (Statin)
Bisoprolol 2.5mg. (Beta blocker)
I've been on these (and other drugs) for the last eleven years without any noticable side effects. I too was wary of long term medication at the start but I'm now happy to take anything that the professionals recommend. If you get any ill effects, ask the medics to give you an alternative. Maybe I've been lucky but I have a lot of faith in the cardiology team at Charing Cross Hospital.
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I've been on these (and other drugs) for the last eleven years without any noticable side effects. I too was wary of long term medication at the start but I'm now. If you get any ill effects, ask the medics to give you an alternative. Maybe I've been lucky but I have a lot of faith in the cardiology team at Charing Cross Hospital.

Cheers thats good to hear. I don't have much confidence in the cardiology dept where I am - but perhaps I'm in denial - last year was the best on my bike for ages and I feel fine

How old are you and what caused you to go on meds (DM me if you don't want to put in on here)


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Cheers thats good to hear. I don't have much confidence in the cardiology dept where I am - but perhaps I'm in denial - last year was the best on my bike for ages and I feel fine

How old are you and what caused you to go on meds (DM me if you don't want to put in on here)

I had a totally unexpected double bypass operation in 2012 at the age of 58 and I've been on meds since then. The operation made a big improvement.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I didn't have any symptoms really. I was riding about 70-80 miles a week and felt OK. My GP detected something in February 2012 at an unrelated appointment. I was sent for about half a dozen tests over the next five months but didn't see a consultant cardiologist until July 2012. She was keen for me to get an angiogram which I had on the Friday of the August Bank Holiday weekend. I had come to the hospital by bike and was keen to get back home but the doctors who performed the angiogram refused to let me leave, telling me that they wanted to operate the very next day. I was utterly gobsmacked.
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