Contact lens wearers

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Just getting back into cycling after being a few times a year rider for many years.

With all the good weather recently I've found myself sweating a bit more than spring/autumn rides in the last few months. When it gets into my eyes it really stings, much more than I remember before I started wearing contacts a year a or so ago. In fact, my vision was quite blurred for a few seconds during a short ride today. Is this normal?

Would I be better wearing glasses (specs rather than contacts) for riding or would wearing a sweat band help?

Sounds silly, but is a bit of concern.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Sweat can be a problem with contacts. I wear a buff (pirate stylee), it does a very good job of collecting and dissipating the sweat.


I wear contacts and other than them drying up a bit (only noticeable after the ride) I've never really had a problem, though occasionally sweat can sting a little, now and again. I much prefer wearing the contacts and proper cycling sunglasses because the shades can come off in the rain, act as sunglasses (obviously) and offer better eye protection from stones, grit bugs etc. Do you wear a helmet? The head band round mine soaks up a lot of the sweat, but if yours doesn't, as had been said, a buff worn like a bandanna under the helmet should help.


I actually wasn't wearing a helmet today and certainly plan to do so when I start commuting. That was the concern really, vision blurring up when I'm in heavy traffic.

Will look into buffs as well.

Thnx for the suggestions folks


Über Member
Auld Reeker
You're soon gonna have squillions of insects hitting your face/eyes.
For me that makes (sun)glasses a must-have item.

+1 for the Buff under the helmet for sweat.
he only problems I've had with contacts has been in cold weather and/or at speed. Streaming eyes has resulted in the loss of a couple. Daily disposables so more an inconvenience than anything.


Keep Calm and OMG.......CAKES!!
I wear lenses with ordinary cycling sunny's and have never had a problem with sweat so far.

A buff does sound like the best thing if you are having problems


Put some vaseline above your eyebrows and across the forehead - helps to direct the sweat away from the eyes.


Well-Known Member
My helmet has a sponge at the front where it meets your forehead. It is very effective.

On road though, so long as I am moving, I find the air rushing past keeps you dry on the front. Traffic lights are a pain though as you start to sweat - The back of my cycling mitt gets plenty of use as a wipe.


Cycling Excusiast
It's only very rarely that I have stinging in my eyes from sweat- it's more likely drying of the eyes/hayfever and once or twice losing a lens - One time on Vauxhall roundabout which was not fun as had to cycle back home with one virtually blurry blind eye - I'd agree with the contact lenses with sunnies approach in summer.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It's only very rarely that I have stinging in my eyes from sweat- it's more likely drying of the eyes/hayfever and once or twice losing a lens - One time on Vauxhall roundabout which was not fun as had to cycle back home with one virtually blurry blind eye - I'd agree with the contact lenses with sunnies approach in summer.

Losing a lens has happened to me a couple of times.
I always have spares with me on a cycle ride now.
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