Great to hear of your new arrivals

! ... though that is not good news about the knee. Mind you, with clipless pedals, you can ride using one leg only .....
joggingbob said:
Any wise comments on what I should check for etc when collecting my new ride? (not that an experienced bike maintainer yet but learning as I go)
From my own experience, check that everything is tightened up as it should be. My front derailleur hanger slipped down the tube on my first major outing on the bike - a 65 mile charity ride

. A passing cyclist had the required allen key but it shouldn't have happened (and I should have had the appropriate key ....

Otherwise, mine was nicely set up, though without any instruction leaflet, booklets etc. Personally I would ask for all the bumph about the set-up, adjustment and maintenance of all the components - brakes, chainset, derailleurs, shifters, chain, etc etc. Get everything you can, even if you don't understand it now. You might appreciate it in a couple of months/years' time.
Enjoy your Fratello - I do mine