Sorry won't happen again don't know what came over me , apologies to @classic33
Yup not like meHave you had a bump on the head?
I had a breast screening mammogram recently. Turns out I don't have breast cancer, so was I wasting the NHS time? No, because they need to screen people without breast cancer to find those that do. Similarly almost everyone who experiences a severe blow to the head will not have a ticking time bomb haematoma waiting to kill them, but they can't find those who do if they don't talk to those who don't. Make an appointment with your GP, risk wasting 5 minutes of her time and see what she says. If she sends you home, then ok, no harm done. If they don't, then act on the advice.I rolled them dice for 4 nights not sure if I should waste NHS time on e
Apologies to all I've upset insulted pissed off . Not like me at all , sorry .