Only problem I had was religion - made me think
dunno what my religion is really - born CofE but only been to church when I had to - so school, weddings and funerals
pretty sure I don;t believe in an afterlife - so there's that
don't really believe in what the religious authorities say I should believe in - or like a lot of what they do
Ended up ticking Christian - but I haven't saved it yet so I may go back and change it to 'No Religion'
rest of it was fine
Personally given what you've said, I'd veer more towards "no religion". I can understand why people would tick a religion given the ambiguity of the question - it doesn't say whether you are practising or not after all, but to me it's more to do with who you are now, not how you may have been in the past or how you were brought up.
My example - I was brought up Catholic. Was baptised as a baby, went to an RC school (headmistress was a nun) until I was 11, attended mass until I was in my late teens and most of my family are still very religious. But I left the faith before I hit 20 and now do not believe in a god or an afterlife and apart from family occasions (weddings, funerals etc.) I haven't set foot in a church in about 25 years, so while some people might say I am still Catholic/Christian, I cannot honestly say I believe in any faith and so quickly ticked the n/a box. Yet my other half, who did not have any religious upbringing at all and also does not attend any church services or pray, does think of herself as nominally C of E for some reason and admitted she did toy with ticking the Christianity box. On balance she decided not to, but said it was a question she had to ponder - probably took her longer than the rest of the census.