Many newbies pedal with too much force at a rate which is too slow. This burns up your thighs with lactic acid.
Most experienced riders select an easier, lower gear and spin pedals at a faster rate. You go the same speed, burn the same calories, but spread the effort between legs and lungs better.
To find a lower gear, put the front gears in the middle ring (usually marked 2 on controls) If you only have 2 rings up front, use the smaller one.
At the back start with the chain on 2nd or 3rd from biggest (marked 2 or 3 on your control)
If pedalling becomes too easy, change the rear to a bigger number (smaller cog). If it gets too hard, change down to a smaller number.
When you shift gears keep pedalling but ease up on the force you apply.
I noted the Wigan Warriors ... DO you live in Wigan, as there is a local group that does Women's events for beginners
. I'm not a reborn cyclist, I'm one of those who appears to have been born with wheels and gears, instead of legs. However, I am an official British Cycling / GoSkyride ride leader, and you would be amazed just how many riders there are out there, who are in a very similar situation to yours. We see a whole range of riders / and bikes, on our events and rides. If you look at the GoSkyride or British cycling websites, and search for "Breeze rides", together with your postcode, you will find a properly planned, and risk assessed, women only group ride, which could be anything from a couple of miles around a park, right up to longer distance rides. If you don't particularly require a women only ride, there are plenty of "Skyride social" and in a couple of months, led Skyrides, and big organised mass, closed road events, all over the country. You could get some benefit from joining your local cycle touring club chapter, if you find you like social riding. Good luck, and keep at it. The fitness will come quicker than you imagine, as will weight loss
I'm a new member and this is my first post so I'm a little apprehensive but here goes.
I used to cycle a lot, but I stopped because I became lazy. I think one of the hardest things to do is to take that first step which is getting on the bike, I can well remember that feeling of awkwardness and also being a little self conscious the first time I went out on my bike but it doesn't matter, the nice thing that happens when you start cycling is the speed at which your health improves and your fitness increases. I can remember cycling a couple of miles and stopping at a farm gate just so that I could catch my breath and to stop the burning in my legs, this happened for the first few weeks of riding, then one day my body adjusted to the ride and I cycled on past the gate which had become my usual resting place. I was then managing twice the distance before I needed to stop for a breather, this went on for several months then one day I found that I didn't need to stop at all. It was quite a victory for me to do my entire planned route without the need to stop. I would say to anyone thinking of starting to ride a bike, 'go for it', its great fun and has many health benefits. Don't ever worry about what you look like, if anyone sees you they will secretly admire you for showing such determination.![]()
Keep coming back for more inspiration. If you have a question there's always someone with an answer or to cheer you up if things go wrong. And with the days getting longer & hopefully warmer you've got the whole summer ahead of you to enjoy cycling.Thanks for all your great stories and advice. its really helped and made me more determined than ever .......why did i never join this site before ?
Thanks for all your great stories and advice. its really helped and made me more determined than ever .......why did i never join this site before ?