Chuffy said:
I feel sorry for the people who use the place exclusively. Their choice comes down to putting up with it or leaving and that's a hard thing to do if you are genuinely attached to the community that you are part of.
Don't get me wrong, I don't really want to provoke a mass exodus from ACF. That sort of thing would only breed even more ill-feeling, between those who leave and those who remain, and haven't we had enough of that? If you were to insist on my stating my wishes - however futile in reality - they might be:
1. Persuading more ACFers to take up dual nationality - registering
and regularly posting on here, while staying on ACF. I'd be glad to get back in touch.
2. Sam to undergo some sort of Damascene conversion (not a 'Dale Carnegie' sort of conversion btw, no way do I want him 'influencing' me anymore!

) though I don't see how that will ever come about. I have a set of bullet-points ready-typed, that I could list if I really wanted to: changes I'd like to see brought about at ACF - but, really, what's the point?
3. Most drastic option: ACFers to gang up and tell Sam 'time to move on mate'. That
could happen theoretically: not everyone on ACF is a Walker acolyte (whatever happened to MalVolio btw? I thought he was Walker's most loyal supporter!) - and in that unlikely event I'd be on to SW's successor like a shot - but once again, pie in the sky.
But none of these things are going to actually
happen. I'd best accept things as they are.
Flying_Monkey said:
Well, of course... I'm not that important!
Don't say that, FM. Everyone's important in their own way, and you've earned a high level of respect on those forums which you
do take seriously...