The guy who used to sit next to me at work had his Fiesta stolen from the work carpark.
I happened to be looking out of the window and said to him 'your car's just driven out of the carpark'
'No, can't have'
We looked out of the other window, he could see the space, err where it wasn't any more.
So he went outside to check (this puzzled me at the time and still does...)And then reported it to the police.
The following day he had a call from the police to say they'd found it, on a rough estate in Hulme (area of Manchester a bit like Beirut or Sarajevo)
He asked which police pound to go and get it from, but was told it was on the estate in Hulme - apparently they's simply found it there and told him, but they weren't going to bother towing it into the pound, dusting for fingerprints or anything : it was simply up to him to go and get it back.
He got a taxi home to get the spare key, then off to Hulme.
Only to find it had no wheels, no alternator, no wipers - seemed like the local residents were stripping it for spares.
So he called the RAC and had a very nervous hour waiting in this really dodgy area, getting looks and glares from all sorts of people, until the RAC arrived with a transporter to take what was left home...