May I add my appreciation for a splendid day out to that of previous posters?
First off was the pleasure of seeing @ColinJ looking so much healthier since we last went for a stroll around HB - pausing intermittently to keep the heart-rate down - clearly fitter and probably cycling faster than I've ever known him to.
The number of riders turning out for this forum ride was an indication of the affection in which he is held and I hope it was the first of many of The CJ Forum Rides - Series 2.
Secondly was the enjoyment in renewing acquainanceship with riders from previous CJ excursions. The slight disappointment I felt at not being fast enough to keep up with them and find out what they'd been up to since our last jolly jaunt was easily swept away by getting to know such lovely people as Rickshaw Phil, hopless, MikeW-71, John Wilson, Mickthemove and the indefatigable CoffeeJo, as well as swapping Haribo with long-standing fellow back-markers like Potsy and Phil_hg_uk.
My round-trip totalled 97.5 miles but, living on a hillside,I was too tired couldn't be bothered to add the extras to make it a ton.
(Slept all right last night though!).
Thank you all for your companionship, banter and support. Let's hope we'll be meeting up again very soon! CJ - TAKE A
First off was the pleasure of seeing @ColinJ looking so much healthier since we last went for a stroll around HB - pausing intermittently to keep the heart-rate down - clearly fitter and probably cycling faster than I've ever known him to.

Secondly was the enjoyment in renewing acquainanceship with riders from previous CJ excursions. The slight disappointment I felt at not being fast enough to keep up with them and find out what they'd been up to since our last jolly jaunt was easily swept away by getting to know such lovely people as Rickshaw Phil, hopless, MikeW-71, John Wilson, Mickthemove and the indefatigable CoffeeJo, as well as swapping Haribo with long-standing fellow back-markers like Potsy and Phil_hg_uk.

My round-trip totalled 97.5 miles but, living on a hillside,

Thank you all for your companionship, banter and support. Let's hope we'll be meeting up again very soon! CJ - TAKE A