Cofidis pulls out

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New Member
Bury, Lancashire
Where does this leave Bradders? I am inclined to think that if one rider is found to have been a naughty boy, then they all are. Whatever they take, it comes into the team from the team doctor, the team manager, the siogneurs, or someone with close contact to teh whole team, so most of them must be in on it, and therefore the entire team deserves a good spanking.


back and brave
I'd agree a Cofidis siogneur might have been party to Moreni's doping. But you can't go any further than that in all fairness. Okay, the team employ the soigneur so there might be some management level fall out but that doesn't mean other team members are dopers or even knew of it.


Maybe it's the whole team philosophy that's to blame. Why do they even need to have TEAMS in the first place? Cycling is an individual sport, not a team sport. Football is a team sport, but a TEAM doesn't win the tour de france, one person does. And each person only powers his OWN bike along, so forgive me for failing to understand the complex politics and systems of allegiances they obviously have, but surely teams aren't necessary. That way, if someone is found to have taken drugs it's him and only him to blame - and they might be less likely to take drugs in the first place as there's no 'team' to encourage them to do so or to give it to them, or to make money from them winning. And no-one would have to leave if they're innocent.


Didn't the legendary Lesgrange, founder of the Tour, make riders ride individually? I seem to recall that he'd ensure there was no slipstreaming, no assistance with mechanical issues, no taking water/food from spectators, the list goes on. His aim was to have a race so hard that only one man finished. THe result? The Pellisier brothers opening their boxes of 'preparation' containing cocaine, amphetemines and whatever else they used in those days and claiming to be 'convicts of the rode.'

Simpson administered it all himself too. He paid £800 at the beginning of the year (a fair whack back then) and that was his chemicals for the season.

Abolishing teams is not going to get rid of the problem. I think sponsors taking a greater role in choosing who runs the team is more important.
On a bright note we won't have to see that stupid hairstyle of Wiggins again, ridiculous. Did he go into the hairdresser and say 'Here's £5, make me look like a twunt.'

And why do they keep showing David Millar spouting about how bad it is that these people are taking drugs when he was an offender, ffs?



Cycling is very much a team sport.

As is formula 1, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good thing.
imho ANY racing shouldn't be a 'team' sport unless they are all riding the same vehicle, like the luge or the oxford vs. cambridge boat race. In fact they could change that a bit now and have a slightly different course what with oxford flooding, they must be getting bored of the same old rivers year after year.


nothing in moderation
bonj, have you ever watched the tdf (or any of the grand tours)? leaving the drugs issue asside for a moment, this year rasmussen has used his team to good effect. he sends them to the front to keep the pace high and to prevent attacks (also a trick employed on the flat stages by the sprinters' teams), then on the final climb, having had a relatively restful ride (in his teammates slipstreams) he himself attacks and decimates the group, with only contador keeping with him.

and that's how vino limited his losses on the day he crashed, the team was sent to pace him back. and how the leading riders get water from the team car, by sending a teammate back to get it for them (can you imaging the chaos if every rider had their own car in the procession?) etc etc

not to mention that a team all bedecked in the sponsors' colours will generate more publicity that one rider alone. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :?: :?: :?: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
trustysteed said:
And why do they keep showing David Millar spouting about how bad it is that these people are taking drugs when he was an offender, ffs?

I'm left wondering what's really under those bandages on his arms! Tracks? Testosterone patches? :thumbsup:


New Member
Deal, Kent
Blonde said:
I'm left wondering what's really under those bandages on his arms! Tracks? Testosterone patches? :thumbsup:

No he has developed a reaction to either sun or heat. He has been given cream to try (hense him looking loke a ghost) but it is not helping much.
the bandages cover blisters.


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
chris42 said:
No he has developed a reaction to either sun or heat. He has been given cream to try (hense him looking loke a ghost) but it is not helping much.
the bandages cover blisters.

Yes I know that's what he claims! :thumbsup:

I actually used to get that when I was a teenager. I had to use cortisone cream and tablets (banned, obviously, so he can't have them). I looked like the elephant man if I didn't, as the hives entirely covered my arms legs and hands and swelled up massively, :thumbsup: so I know exactly what it's like, poor bugger.


why cycling is a team sport

bonj said:
Not sarcasm. Please explain why they NEED to have teams.

Because you can save 15% of your energy by following a wheel
So it's not difficult to see how an organised group will always go faster than an individual
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