Clipless Pedals FAQ

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Just about surviving
I wear Crocs when I go out to the garage, then put shoes on. When ever I go into a new bike shop I ask if they've got any SPD-SL cleat covers (no one has so far). Until I can get some I'll keep using the Crocs as I too find walking in road cleats can be a little slippy. Stairs can be a bit hairy.


Bought cleat covers from Wiggle. They work great. Always take them in the saddle bag now


Lover of things that come in 3's
Why do I need data to prove that I try it occasionally ?
It does work but feels unnatural - naturally :-)

you don't, I was just identifying the difference between data and around clipless pedal differences are nearly all anecdata but presented as data or irrefutable fact.

It's a strange phenomenom that I've witnessed in three sports, cycling being the latest. A mythology built up around the use of certain equipment, generally favoured by the pro level, in the amateur/hobbyist ranks. I don't knock anyone for using whatever kit they want, I just get irked by some of the spurious claims made to justify it. Especially when the same claims are used as a recommendation to others. Even worse when there is an underlying hint of, you can't be a proper participant without said kit.

That's not all specific to you Defy-One I'm just fleshing out the background behind my general attitude.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"

Deleted member 22722

Recently bought myself a new bike after not having ridden one for over 20 years. I had to make that decision as to wether to try and go clipless or not, made even worse as my bike came supplied without pedals.

After reading all those harrowing stories of peoples 'clipless' moments I nearly went down the halfway route of getting those pedals that are clipless on the one-side only in case I didn't get on with them. In the end I bit the bullet and decided to go the whole hog and got some Shimano M520 SPD pedals with Specialized Road Shoes.

I honestly haven't looked back and am glad that I made this choice. I feel that I may have just got very lucky when setting up the cleats first time as I think I may have got the fitting just right as I've not felt any discomfort in my feet, knees or legs whilst using them.

You can adjust how easy or hard it is to clip into the pedals and I've always had these set at about halfway. I've never had my foot accidentally unclip whilst using them.

The hardest thing for me, especially on my first couple of rides was getting my left foot to clip in as I pull away (I never unclip my right foot which helps). I was expecting the foot to naturally and easily clip in once my foot was on the pedal, which it doesn't. I find that I need to wiggle the foot around sometimes a little before it clicks into place. Having the right foot always clipped in helps me to maintain momentum as I can pull up on the pedal as well as pushing down until my left foot clips in.

I find that when I have been pushing my legs hard on a particularly tough stretch of road, be it a long incline or into a head wind I can adjust my positioning a little on my saddle and pull up on my pedals instead of pushing. This uses a different set of muscles and gives my normal leg muscles a bit of a breather.

I've not had a clipless moment yet (touch wood) but can only imagine this happening if I had to pull up in an emergency as i'm always conscious of the fact that i'm clipped into the pedals so always plan ahead well in advance of junctions and stationary traffic etc.

I think the fact that i've not been used to riding with normal pedals for 20 years has helped me transition to clipless pedals far easier than someone who is used to riding with normal pedals and who is used to taking their feet of at anytime without any thought.

My advice to anyone thinking about going clipless is to go for it but just be very conscious of the fact for the first few weeks until twisting your foot to unclip becomes the norm.

Just like Garlic Bread, SPD's are the future.



My first cleats are the yellow shimano ones with a bit of float.
First time i used them on a longish ride the front of my knees ached like hell so i turned my toes in a little and the pain stopped.When i got home i adjusted the cleat fronts outwards a little and its been fine ever since.
But i still have that small amount of float which is helpfull.
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