Active Member
Finally made the move to clipless. I love it! I wasn't planning on doing it for a while, but I saw some decent cycling shoes in sports direct by chance! £19, reduce from £90. Couldn't say no!
I didn't make the mistake of using them for the first time of on the road, so the only person that saw me fall over was my mate who was riding with me
bit of a comedy fall, came to a small hill and needed to stop for a gate. I completely forgot and started to panic, slowing falling to my right side! It was onto grass though, so s'all good.
I have massive trouble getting the damn things in though, im getting there though!
Riding without being clipped in feels positively strange now!
I didn't make the mistake of using them for the first time of on the road, so the only person that saw me fall over was my mate who was riding with me

I have massive trouble getting the damn things in though, im getting there though!
Riding without being clipped in feels positively strange now!