I've had two since I went clipless. not may witnesses but felt the walls and hedges were laughing at me 

There is an phone app on android called cyclestreets it's offline mapping so doesn't use any mobile data and the phones GPS pin points your location, it's brilliant if you get lostMy first - decided to "explore" some local lanes, got hideously lost.
Stopped, exhausted and worried, in a farmyard to turn around and get my bearings, and did a slow motion topple into some handy manure.
OMG, I wish it was true in my case. Just had my first yesterday, I am badly bruised and cut.Its amazing how little it hurts. I have had several and keep hold of the handlebars then roll onto my upper arm .This keeps the important bit ie the bike safely off the ground while the less important bit (me ) absorbs the shock of the fall.
Everyone new to clipless is allowed three falls (but definitely no submission). Don't let it put you offOMG, I wish it was true in my case. Just had my first yesterday, I am badly bruised and cut.
Strangely I felt that I passed some rite of passage.
The solution?
- Set the release tensions on both sides of both pedals to minimum so it is easy to unclip
- Practice unclipping until it becomes second nature, so you never panic about it or forget to do it