I used to shoot clays regularly but frankly I was bloody useless at it, could have been president of the clay pigeon preservation society. Then I realised it's really a bat and ball game because you are trying to hit a moving object with another moving object and I've always been hopeless at that sort of game as I think too much about it. Took up pistol shooting which requires complete concentration on repetition and got quite good at that, won a couple of county championships. When pistols were largely banned (not completely banned, whatever the press may say) I took up archery which, as stated by another poster, is a complex game of real concentration. I had a good deal of success with that, at least by my standards, won the Northumberland county compound trophy, silver in the Essex indoor, just missed the cut in the Indoor Nationals (still reckon that was my best ever shoot, 60 arrows, all in the gold), did well at some more local shoots. I was intending to concentrate on achieving Grand Master status when I developed frozen shoulder after trying to reach back for my laptop bag in the car. Never recovered the steadiness required so had to give archery up, still can't draw a 60 pound compound comfortably :-(
What all of that did was engender complete respect for anyone who excels at sport because I know exactly how much hard work goes into it.