Claud Butler Sierra

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If 6 Was 9
No work on Colin today, going to the in-laws. All I got left to do anyway is polish the rear rim, then I'm stuck until pension day.
Bloody pensioners - always dragging their feet.


Legendary Member
Rear rim and hub polished with 0000 grade wire wool and Autosol. Shinier than a shiny thing.

Quite a decent wheel set, double walled rims, full depth eyelets, nice. Not much wear either.

I've sprayed the rims in and out with Duck Oil to penetrate into the nipples a bit, and tomorrow it'll be mildly soapy water for the final clean.

Now to the pump. Its a Truflo frame pump, and I was mildly surprised to find it still works perfectly. However, its very shabby. Its worth tidying up as the odds of finding a working period pump for a 25 1/2 frame are slim, so I shall tidy it up. Stripped, the silver painted body rubbed down ready for painting, and the whole lot cleaned in soapy water. Once dry I can mask up and respray the silver tube, make it like new again.


I got a very similar beastie a couple of years back:


Wasn't quite as thorough on the restore as you, tho' I followed a similar basic game-plan, the only real difference being that I did want brake/shifters, because I bought it to tour the west of Scotland/isles, and knew I'd be doing quite a lot of hauling heavyish loads up steepish inclines. Anyway, it turned out to be a fantastic ride - fast, true, nimble and very sure-footed. I'm glad you decided to keep the original paint job - it looks very fine, IMHO. I think you're going to enjoy that bike - a lot.


Legendary Member
Thanks swee'pea. Aside from the missing rear carrier bosses the design of your frame looks identical to mine.

The paint in mine is scruffy, to put it charitably. Nevertheless, its not quite bad enough to justify the expense of a powder coat, and it still has all the original manufacturers and supplying dealers decals so I'll keep it as is.

I am looking forward to putting some miles on Colin this summer.


Legendary Member
Sod it. Couldn't wait til pension day. Parts ordered.


Legendary Member
OK. The rear mudguard as a dynamo light built in, duly cleaners and the contacts buffed up.

There was also a front halogen light on the forks. A new front light is cheap enough, but this light probably went on the bike when it was new, so it was dismantled, cleaned, and reassembled with a smear of silicone sealant around the lens.

Now all I need is a bottle dynamo to power it up. In the future if I ever get the frame powder coated I'll have the front wheel re laced with a sturmey dynahub but for the present time a bottle dynamo will suffice.
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