Christmas cards

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Legendary Member
Noodley said:
what do I have to download to get that to work?

Noodley, nothing special (just Flash AFAIA), but I'm supposed to have 5Mbps BB and it took a while to load up - so just a very busy site I think.


andyoxon said:
Noodley, nothing special (just Flash AFAIA), but I'm supposed to have 5Mbps BB and it took a while to load up - so just a very busy site I think.

I get the logo appear for a "flash" then it disappears. I'll go and download the latest version of Flash and see what happens. Thanks.


Cycling in the sun
I send loads of cards (to rellies, family friends, and old friends)- all hand-made, and also put in a letter saying what we've done each year... and yes I love receiving letters from people that I haven't seen all year telling me what they have done.... but I hate company cards and cards to just everyone you know.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
trustysteed said:
it's the ones you get from people at work that annoy me. wh do they suddenly have an urge to initiate some form of contact with you when they ignore you the rest of the year?
That's what I really hate about New Year's Eve! Spend a whole year pursuing women who show not the slightest bit of interest, but come midnight on the 31st December they swarm about me like wasps round a pot of jam. The magic power of wine with an Auld Lang Syne chaser... :evil:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
A waste of time and money. I've told everyone who's likely to that I don't want birthday cards either.
Having said that, Mrs rich p sends sh*tloads of cards in my name.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
summerdays said:
I send loads of cards (to rellies, family friends, and old friends)- all hand-made, and also put in a letter saying what we've done each year... and yes I love receiving letters from people that I haven't seen all year telling me what they have done.... but I hate company cards and cards to just everyone you know.

I do handmade cards to a select few family and friends, most years, and a few bought ones (charity cards) for other friends - some years I do more handmade, but this year I'll admit, I used up a few leftovers from previous years. And despite having had 3 months off, I still only got them in the post yesterday.... I think I've maybe sent one out of duty, the rest are all genuine expressions of friendship. I've only received one round robin letter, but it's from a friend with a very entertaining writing style, so it made me laugh!

I got one card this year from a family friend that was addressed to me, but the card said "To Sue, Eric and Family." Either she's got her envelopes and cards mixed up, or she's seeing something in my future....
I love Xmas cards, that's probably because they weren't really done in Germany when I was growing up. Obsessed with them now, and I'm doing really badly this year - nobody seems to be sending (or getting) any! Last year's crop was much better :evil:
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