I was negotiating a tight bend today a car was coming the other way the car behind decided he wasn't waiting till after the bend and squeezed past,I was lucky to stay upright, I shook my head in disgust at the bad manoeuvre, the guy stopped at a shop just round the corner, he asked me what my problem was, I said you nearly knocked me off you could have waited till after the bend with no approaching traffic, he said I wish I had of knocked you off, he was a bit of an arrogant twat, he got out of the car but I didn't flinch so I think he thought better of it, he said you should be wearing a helmet, I said what's that got to do with your bad driving, he said your supposed to wear a helmet when cycling aren't you I said no, at this point he went into the shop mumbling.
I set off a bit worried that he might be going my way and use his car as a weapon, he did pass me at an exaggerated speed but not close. what chance do we have with such arrogant motorist who think the road is just for them.