Choosing suitable routes to ride

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Active Member
Being a relatively new starter I now seem to be looking for routes that might be "nice to do". I've sort of built myself up with a 20, a 30 and a 40 miler but these have mainly been on A roads which to be fair haven't been too busy for the most part. Although they do seem a lot bl**dy hillier than I've ever noticed in my car.

I have a Garmin 800 coming soon so will be able to program some routes into it without the continual worry of getting a bit lost, and having to keep the routes pretty simple (or signposted) so I can remember where I have to turn.

I'm hoping to program some routes in of my own, and some ones that others have done. But ideally I'd like to program some Sportive routes in and attempt them. The problem I have is really knowing what any inclines are like. The elevations really mean nothing to me from the routes as I've no idea what I can and cant do. I seem to have managed OK so far but I think I've only seen a type 4 on the routes I've done (and to tell the truth, the bit marked as a 4 by Strava certainly didnt seem as long or as steep as some others on the same ride).

I'm quite keen to do the Braveheart ride on the 26th (if I can get someone to look after my lad for the time I'm away) but cant work out if the 44 miler would be too long with the hills, and if I should stick to the 20 miler which may be safer.

The 44 miler I done was below, and I was knackered after it. I just dont want to start off on some rides and be shattered after a couple of hills because I planned it badly, and not be able to finish/enjoy what I had planned.

I'm keen to get out and ride with others as informally as possible, but am always worried about holding people up or basically becoming a hinderence.

Are there any tips people use for planning routes to do? I'm really looking forward to getting some country roads in.




Legendary Member

very straightforward and easy to use - and free!


Legendary Member if you don't want to plan own. They are graded and you can do as much or little as needed
@Billy Chambers Hi Billy from the ride you did, I think you would be fine, the elevation is similar, from 15 miles on it should be a breeze, just take it steady, dont push yourself to hard in the early stages (same goes for any ride)
just remember to take extra fuel with you I find flapjacks/fig rolls good.
The first one that showed as a Cat4 isn't, it's one of the oddities of Strava, the 2nd one my well be, and you had a good avg up it.


Active Member
I use the route planner on mapmyride, very easy to use though I don't upload it to a device (as I haven't got one LOL) Its a good way of knowing the distance before you set out and it does give you a elevation graph so you know whats it store for your legs.


Active Member
Well my Garmins arrived and i realised earlier on that I forgot to get a micro SD for it :blush:. So I have downloaded the openmaps for the whole of UK, put them on my phone card and am currently transferring them onto Garmin Basemap. Its taken about 45 minutes so far and looks like taking another 45 minutes :whistle: . I'll get a standalone card tomorrow and dedicate that to The Garmin.

Also got some mudguards for the bike fitted when it was in for service. Looks a bit strange now. But if it stops me and the drivechain getting caked every morning then so much the better. And they're pretty much removeable quite easily.

Thanks for the suggestions of the sites for routes and the advice on doing The Braveheart - I might even have got a mate to come along too now which will help. How do I go about uploading routes that others have created in mapmy ride/cycle route etc loaded onto my Garmin. Actually there must be a how to on here somewhere or the web so I'll have a look about. I'm looking forward to being able to just turn up somewhere and (hopefully) just press go and do a route without worrying.

Garmin Basecamp now has maps loaded


Active Member
Cheers Nigelnaturist.. In cycle route I can open a route, and then save the gpx file for it. However, when I go to import it I just get an error saying it cant be imported. I dont have the full version of strava so I cant export GPX from there. Mapmyride lets me import into Garmin Basecamp and I can see the routes in it, and lets me send it to the device in the user file on the card. I cant seem to find it on there though but will have a proper sort through tomorrow to see what I'm doing wrong.

Cheers Nigelnaturist.. In cycle route I can open a route, and then save the gpx file for it. However, when I go to import it I just get an error saying it cant be imported. I dont have the full version of strava so I cant export GPX from there. Mapmyride lets me import into Garmin Basecamp and I can see the routes in it, and lets me send it to the device in the user file on the card. I cant seem to find it on there though but will have a proper sort through tomorrow to see what I'm doing wrong.

If you use the mapping feature on RWGPS, export this as a tcx, download it,
Plugin your garmin to the computer, it should open up a dialogue box, open the folder to explore, this should give you a few folders one being Garmin, inside this should be one called NEW, copy the downloaded tcx file into this, disconnect the unit, turn on, the unit will convert this to a course file, when done look under training->courses on the unit, and it should be there, well it is on the 500.
The only problem doing it this way is that the V.P. doesn't work very well.


Legendary Member
Cheers Nigelnaturist.. In cycle route I can open a route, and then save the gpx file for it. However, when I go to import it I just get an error saying it cant be imported. I dont have the full version of strava so I cant export GPX from there. Mapmyride lets me import into Garmin Basecamp and I can see the routes in it, and lets me send it to the device in the user file on the card. I cant seem to find it on there though but will have a proper sort through tomorrow to see what I'm doing wrong.


You don't need Strava Premium to download gpx files. Go into the ride you want and click on the actions button and select export gpx. Only works for your own rides

Old Plodder

Living at the top of a steep 2 mile climb
Modern technology is all well & good, but you don't seem to get a feel of the terrain like with a good old fashioned map.
I suggest getting at least one of your local area, so you can see where all the nice quiet roads are, & all the hills & which way is up & which way is down.
(Best size is O.S. Landranger series.)


Without a clever title
To estimate route hillyness I generally take a look at the climb segments on strava and the contour lines on the OS map - but there's really no substitute for just going out and having a try at the hill in person. If you suspect a route might be close to your limit, it's a good idea to build in a "bail out" option in case you find it too hard, for example a train station or a shortcut. You can come back and defeat the hill properly another day.

I think you'll do fine on the Braveheart ride, based on the average speed on the ride you posted. Just remember to take it gently on the long slog up Eaglesham moor. I might be coming along for that ride myself, btw.


Active Member
@Billy Chambers This maybe wide of the mark but have you ever worked at Jardine St ??

Yeah I did many moons ago for my sins.

@fatmac I'm a map man myself (I was a map reading instructor as part of a former life) but I find they're a bit of a bugger to read when riding. I dont tend to like stopping too much when I'm out and certainly not to check where I am on a phone or a map, and I have the memory of a goldfish after a few turns.You're right though, I have access to all 1:50,000 maps so should really do a bit of contour reccying for rides.

Also I want to do some rides that dont involve starting off local and drive to them. Just managed to load up a couple of routes into the Garmin so after this weekends cycle around the Western Isles I'm hopefully gonna get a day or two free just to rock up somewhere and have a bash.

Thanks for the responses
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