Cheffys update, Triban 3, sore arse and a very personal question

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Well, folks, i have recently the Triban 3 you all recommended, and have done a very sucessful week of cycling to work, nothing too stressy 6 miles per day, and a nice cruise into the weekend, the bike is behaving very well, and i'm really enjoying the experience of cycling and not using the car.
This morning i woke up with the same enthusiasm that ive had all week, but with 15 miles in mind, i set off with gusto, but after about 8 miles i started getting a bit of a sore arse, and having just read the article below i have now got a few ideas om how to irradicate this , but i was quite painfull, after taking in the wonderful Northamptonshire countryside with some sizable hills, i ended up at home with 22 miles on the clock, with an average speed of 11.2 mph, here are some of the points i noticed

Northampton is fanstastic by bike, i saw a red kite gliding magnificenlty looking for prey and diving for a rabbit which it got, wow, would'nt have seen that in a car

Going up th Bedford road , around a 3 mile straight, up hill, to be overtaken by a snaked hipped youngun going twice as fast as me, tells me i've a long way to go, but at least he said morning!

I started off ar 18.5 stone on the button this week, I'm now 17stone 13 pounds and along with cutting out the crap, i am so chuffed with myself.

Heres personal bit, having put the bike a way, i decided to have shower, and noticed that my best freind had all but disappeared, one look inthe mirror and hello lady boy, it took a bit for the hot shower to work, yikes! all is well now but is this normal? has my freind been shocked into oblivion or will he get used it, your thoughts are welcome :0)


Über Member
Probably adjustments to saddle is needed or a new saddle prehaps

Or better bib padding

Apply some sudocrem or chamois cream. I use the former every once in a while


Baldy Go
Adust/or replace saddle.
It is a personal odyssey we all go through I reckon. I tried a couple saddles on my T3 before going back to the one it came with!! :blush: Just needed a good tweaking!

As the orevious responses insofar as adjustment.
I would exhaust adjustments/tweaks before considering replacing the saddle.
Also, it'll take a few more miles before your nether region gets used to the battering it gets in the saddle.
Decent padded shorts are worth every envy and chamois cream may help.

Re the wee man, it's natures way of protecting him from the constant battering.
Wait til you stop 50 mile out, dying for a pee and spend the first 30 seconds trying to tease him out before you can start so you don't pee all over yourself!


South Somerset
Well done for getting out and about.

Saddles are a minefield to be honest although i can recommend a charge spoon.

The "old chap" can get a bit cool in this weather so looks for heat. A nice hot shower does wonders.


thanks for the comments re my best freind, good to see i'm not alone, i do have padded shorts, bit i think tweaking the saddle is the order of the day, on shorter distance the bike is so comfy, suda creme is definatlety on the cards, and more cycling tomorrow,i think i've got the bug. ;0)
If you email the boss he can change your username for you.

May I suggest chaffey ^_^


Legendary Member
Actually 6 miles per day, 5 days per week is very good for a newbie, particularly in the winter months, well done!
Little wonder you are suffering some pain after a 22 miler today, your nether regions would have ben looking forward to a rest on Saturday^_^.
I suggest you just keep at it through the week but possibly ease up over the weekend until you get fully cycle fit and your anatomy becomes used to your saddle. Normally there would be no need for padded gear for a 6 mile cycle run, you will soon get to the stage where you do not feel the need.
As Peteaud says, it will be the cold rather than the cycling that is the cause of the other "problem". Windproof overtrousers can keep these chilling breezes at bay and generally improve winter cycling comfort.
Well done on the weight loss too!:smile:
I changed the saddle of my Triban last year to a Charge Spoon. I did 220 miles the weekend after that and while many parts of my body were sore after, my arse wasn't.

And yes after a winter ride you're not going to impress anyone in the trouser department!!!

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Re-iterate all the above:
Decent padded shorts/longs, Bib-style are best.
Use some Sudocreme to prevent chaffing
Experiment with set-up/positioning:

Your arse will harden-up to the task, but not all saddles suit everybody, as others have said a Charge Spoon is a reasonable bet, but sometimes it takes a while to find saddle Nirvana ... added to the fact you're presently a biggish chap and you've not been at it long!
The old-man will hide away this time of year particularly (due to the cold), but it's pretty normal.

Well done for getting out and doing the miles so far. If you don't have it already, the book 'Cyclecraft' by Franklin is the road users bible, essential for commuting safety.

keep it up .... the cycling, not the (ahem) best friend ....


possibly getting weight further forward? ie bars lower or saddle higher.
only reason i suggest this is i use to ride a mtb sat on the bones of my arse and now on the cx bike i get no where near the same discomfort, the weights further forward onto my christmas crackers rather than arse bones.


Thanks all for the tips, i will fettle today with saddle
Fabfoodie, oddly enough i have just obtained bike craft from ebay for the princley sum of 99p so looking forward for a bit of bedtime reading, and will keep you informed of my progress.
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