cheapest clipless shoe/pedal combo

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Well-Known Member
Im looking for the cheapest possible way into clipless.
Im not bothered if its mtb or road shoes, spd or spdl. (obviously they need to be compatible with each other!
I've heard sports direct do some pretty cheap shoes?
Its literaly to get me through the next 10-12 weeks when i can afford to upgrade.
Over to you guys!


Über Member
whats your budget?


Rollin' along
Manchester way
Decathlon was my first thought too, but more for pedals, you'd get set up for both for ~£50 tho. also have a rummage in a few local Aldi's there are still the odd pair of shoes about, I've been using mine this week: £15, warm and dry feet all the way. otherwise its copping lucky and finding a cycle jumble on near you this weekend.

Have you tried gumtree and preloved?

Biker Joe

Über Member
I got Shimano spd m520 pedals for £15 and shimano M007 MTB shoes (used once) for £32 off Ebay
Total £47. And I got something that will last.
Just a matter of looking around for deals and being patient.
Good luck.
Thanks for that link - found one near me in Feb I will see if I can talk to the missus in to lettting me go on my own!!!
On your own?..... What?.............You'll never get away with it.^_^
The problem is as she also cycles, she will claim to be interested until we get there and will be bored after ten minutes whereas I could rummage for hours, so I will hopefully agree a modest budget and take her and little-un to her mums house that happens to be on the way to Long Eaton:thumbsup:
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