Cheap brake blocks, worth it or not?

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Über Member
Ordering cables, blocks etc for project bike and wondering how much I should be spending on brake blocks. Wheels on the bike are light weight aluminium and mark even using soft plastic tire levers so don't wan't to buy anything that will ruin the rims.

They start at £1.99 for 4?! What price point or manufacturer should I be looking at? Is there a way to tell the hardness of them?

Might not be an issue if the rims are warped but some pointers please.


Proud Daddy
Cheap blocks are made of nails and cheese. Buy good ones. Koolstops or clarks are good.


What’s the point
Cheap blocks are made of nails and cheese. Buy good ones. Koolstops or clarks are good.

if you want blocks/pads then Koolstps are great, but i have had some good results with Quad.
for cables, then clarks are good but there are others just as good for around the same price. there are also silly money cables coated in virgins excretions to make them super slippy frictionless for greater efficiency.


Fast and careful!
I use Aztec road inserts,on my 105's about £8 a pair,around mid range, good wearing


Itching to get back on my bike's
another vote for kool stops


Legendary Member
I bought some koolstops (half-and-half grade) and they are only marginally better than the original Shimano pads. That said, I'd still be inclined to avoid "cheap" pads, and rather suspect a quid is too cheap


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I've been using KoolStop Salmons for only three days, and I'm completely underwhelmed by them. £18 for four blocks of rubber that are no better than ones that cost £6. What have I done wrong?

Tektro dual pivot brakes, BTW.


Last of the Summer Winos
The koolstop salmon ate good, but expensive. I've switched to using the halt gooey pads....nearly as effective as the koolstops but a fair bit cheaper.
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