Chat Zone for The Big Big Trip Journal!

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
@HobbesOnTour all done!
In Chronological Order ^_^
Question: where do you want to place post "Some odds 'n ends", this post is currently dated 16th of February.
Let me know if you want it moved to another position.
@HobbesOnTour all done!
Thank you!

Pat, since before I started this trip you have been beyond helpful to me and this is just another example of you going above and beyond.

They say that it takes a village to raise a child and I have been so fortunate to have a virtual village help me "raise" this adventure.
and record it here.

My sincere, genuine thanks to you for this. I'm sure it was a pain in the proverbial but I hope that you've at least gained some new experience from it.

Question: where do you want to place post "Some odds 'n ends"
I couldn't give a damn! They're odds'n'ends; they can go anywhere!

For the rest of you the first new post is here

However, you may want to start a couple of days before to get in the right frame of mind. To refresh memories, I was heading south (again) towards Pasto and had the option of taking the "old" Pan American as opposed to retracing my tracks on the "new" Pan American. I had been feeling quite bleh and demotivated.

For anyone looking at Strava I won't be going back in and adding any missing pictures at this stage but here's an album (almost 800 photos!!^_^) of the Old Pan American route.

And for the season that's in it......
Here's a Youtube Video that features some of the "old" Pan American covered in the "lost" posts and..... as a special treat the Trampoline done in reverse! There's a feel of the real Colombia coming through the video. Watch out for the Chicken bus and how its loaded, the amazing scenery and try to ignore the fact that they did the Trampoline in a single day (or so it seems!) making me look like a lazy fecker! And if you look closely you'll see some of the amazing bright flora growing on the cliffs as they do the Trampoline.


I'm slowly working my way through the whole thing (of course, I have a hell of a lot more photos to browse on another tab ^_^) and I am loving it! A little disappointed with the quality of some of the photos but really enjoying the larger size. The typos annoy me and I think it took me a while to get into a groove but I'm pretty proud of myself.

Again, my sincere gratitude to @Pat "5mph" for making this complete.

Happy New Year to you all and hope all your dreams come true in 2023.

From a bike adventuring point of view, remember the mural on the Alto de Letras - a dream changes nothing, a decision changes everything!

Hasta Luego
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
My sincere, genuine thanks to you for this. I'm sure it was a pain in the proverbial but I hope that you've at least gained some new experience from it.
Don't mention it: you can buy me a nice meal when I come visit you :tongue:
Yes it was a wee bit, and yes I have learned something new!
Happy new year to you and all readers! 🍾🥂
it's very likely we could improve them somewhat!
Not for the first time you're being very kind to me! As if the map isn't enough!
Thank you.

I may take you up on the offer but not right now. Some of the "zoom" shots I used are frankly, terrible, and I was surprised to see a few blurry photos that looked OK on the phone but not so good on a bigger screen.
Perfectionism would dictate that I go back in and replace some of the photos (I have a whole lot more ^_^ ) but as a reflection of the reality of a long tour they can stay where they are. (And I'm scared to ask @Pat "5mph" to do anymore :laugh:

I've been back on 2 wheels since summer 2021
I don't think I'm fit enough to cycle to Spain
Trust me - cycling to Spain is the easy part..... Cycling in Spain is a whole other thing! ^_^


Über Member
Central Texas
Some of the "zoom" shots I used are frankly, terrible, and I was surprised to see a few blurry photos that looked OK on the phone but not so good on a bigger screen.

Whaaaat! I am sure you are the first to have ever had that problem! ;)

I now carry a lens cloth with me (unless I forgot) since I have many times gotten back to discover that all of that day's photos looked good to my eyes, but were in fact all substandard! Sometimes it is my glasses that need cleaning, sometimes the phone lenses!
Welcome aboard!
I do enjoy getting the random likes as someone works their way through ^_^.
I'm glad to note that you took your time and didn't race through too!
I've got it bookmarked for next Xmas so I get to read all 631 entries again.
Well, I'm working my way through it myself, nice and slow, feasting on the extra photos that I have. It's my first time seeing the pictures on a screen bigger than my phone. ^_^
I am so glad that I did this.
So many things are so clear, so vivid. México will always have a special place in my heart but reading back over Honduras? Wow! What a special place!
May the Touring Gods continue to provide you with adventure.
May they provide us all with adventure!

Don't forget to check out the chat thread as well!

And thank you for the kind words


Über Member
Central Texas
Sometimes the mist and light could weave some magic.....

That is a fantastic image!
Way, way way back in the great State of Texas I wrote of visiting Gruene Hall, the oldest Dance Hall in Texas and one of the things that dragged me across that big country.
Well, I've just discovered a series of videos of Ryan Bingham playing there......
As well as some good music you can get a sense of the place.


The night I was there the eh, quality of performer was a tad different ^_^

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
@HobbesOnTour Frank, I am reading your Spanish Figary.
Goodness, I didn't realize it's been almost a year since you came back from the BBT!
Anyway, I'm at your sojour in Campo de Criptana.
The mural you are so enthusiastic about gives me the creeps, so I decided to do a wee Google.
You mentioned the 2 sets of eyes, I thought the second set on the hijab like dressed figures were tears.
I imagined the warriors holding swords (2 sets of eyes to symbolize many, an army) looting and raping the women while the town goes up in flames.
Some medieval historical event I thought.
Turns out its a modern art project: the building is a Silo (granary), the artist is illustrating a mental health struggle.
Details here.
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