- Location
- España
That struck me too - going across the globe to spend three days. With the best will in the world that's no time at all to get a sense for a place. But it's a cycling channel and they're cyclists - the jury is still out on whether I'm oneI watched that t'other day – and thought of how much they were missing by dashing through and being time-constrained !
Your way of being totally immersed in the country and culture is much more to my liking.

The fact is that those types of trips are going to become rarer and rarer at least until long distance travel becomes more eco friendly.
A number of people on here have commented on a renewed sense of exploration of their local areas in a Covid affected world.
Perhaps that's the future?
Is an exotic or "famous" location in the same category as the latest gadget or component to be acquired and checked off a wishlist? Or can we enjoy our cycling without the latest fashion, be that gadget or location?
Of course, that's very easy for me to say giving my extremely privileged location. 😊
Having said that, I'm not quite immersed in the culture unfortunately. I avoid the bars more for Covid precautions than anything else and my interactions are carefully chosen. If there's a market I visit, for example, it's when it's quiet.
But I'm doing my best! A girl told me the other day that I had to go to Bogotá - how could I have a sense of a country without visiting its Capital? She has a point but I'm loving my small town experiences.
Regulars here are probably sick to death of me commenting on threads about the importance of getting out and giving touring a try before investing heavily in a bike and all the gear. I think it's extremely important to know what you like to do - then equip yourself for that.Now that is contentment ... within and without. Zen, almost
The bike wandering I enjoy now is a far, far cry from what I thought I'd enjoy when I first started cycling. And in places unimaginable back then.
There's other things too, though.
Would I have been so comfortable leaving a bike that cost two, three or four grand as I walked up to see if the place was open? And then be exposed, alone, on top of a Colombian ridge at night? I'd probably have opted for the hotel that Google told me was in San José. (It was incredibly steep and rough path up - not something I'd tackle in hope. Once I saw where I'd be camping it didn't seem quite so tough!

So yes, almost Zen - but like a duck gracefully gliding across a lake a hell of a lot of