- Location
- España
Thank you for the additional photos! Are you going to post an album?

I throw up some extra pictures and you still want more?

Do you have any idea of the time (online) it takes to make an album?

My internet connectivity isn't always great! I'm not in the great State of Texas anymore!

Anyway, you've seen all I have of the church.
It may be something I do later, when this is all over, to relive some things and put together some albums of different themes or roads or whatever. I've never done any albums like these before (until this trip) and I'm still trying to figure it all out.
But since you asked, a particularly pretty stained glass window from the Cappuchin(?) church in Socorro, just down from where I was staying. No effects, just "night mode" again.
Thanks for the YouTube links. Not really in a position to watch them now but will later.
Oh! Villa de Leyva is quite the spot for star gazing going back to preHispanic times. They even have a yearly get together with Astronomers from all around the world.
Wouldn't that make a great destination on your trike?

(And bloody right I'll be looking for lots of photos!