Doggy Day Whatever.... Again!
Another welcome observation of canines cavorting in the Cuidad.
I've been pondering whether the pooches in your adoptive city are different from the ones over here. I can't recall ever seeing dogs and their humans gathering in parks in the ways you describe. Perhaps I've just never noticed, or more likely, I've spent too little time in cities where the need to seek out limited(?) public recreational spaces is perhaps more pressing.
Given the way folks seem to get along and are considerate of one another, should I assume owners clear up after their dogs or is fouling a problem?
And apologies in advance, but dare I say I find Frida just a little bit scary? I think it might be the eyebrows 😲
Everything is different, Ian

And the dogs speak Spanish!
I lived in a city in NL +/- 200,000 souls and no areas like here for dogs. In the main park on the edge of the city where I brought my fella he was supposed to be on lead. I'd take him down at dawn to chase rabbits. They terrified him!

People could be very funny about their dog interacting with another - or maybe it was just my fella!
In Ireland, some parks have areas where dogs can be off-lead at certain times.
Here, the parks have fenced, equipped (seats, tunnels, seesaws etc) doggy specific areas - and dogs wandering freely everywhere else too!
I am bemused. I regularly see people training their dogs, but honestly I think they are just being fussy! The dogs are already 99% there.
When I see the dogs running loose beside a bike or a jogger and following every cue I'm dumbfounded at the process that got them there. And also at the Bosses! I'd be freaking out!😊
I've seen one dog fight in all my time here.
The 2 boyos in the park really stood out for their behaviour.
There is no fear and no reason for fear. The woman with her child in the park was not fazed at all.
It's both funny and interesting to see a bull terrier getting his ass handed to him by a terrier or shi tzu.
I can only speculate, but there is a very relaxed, we're-all-in-this-together vibe and a real sense of live and let live. I assume the dogs pick up on that. If people are relaxed, chances are their dogs will be too.
Fouling happens, but is incredibly rare, especially in relation to the numbers of dogs. Everyone is equipped with poop bags.
So Frida's scary?

Her monobrow is famous!
It wasn't my plan to call her Frida but nothing else worked. No other name stuck. So, I think it was chosen for me rather than by me!
Nothing wrong with having such a formidable character on the road!