Charlie Alliston case - fixie rider accused of causing pedestrian death

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Legendary Member
That would be one hell of a way to misunderstand it! Riding with only a back brake isn't great, but plenty of people in bustling Amsterdam ride with only a weak rear coaster brake without mass carnage. I think the rider's attitude had much more to do with it than the bike.

If you are going to pass so close to someone that you couldn't miss them if they stepped out, you're going too close or too fast, so pass wider or slow down. Ride so you can stop within what you can see to be clear, not what you merely can't see to be obstructed yet.

The bikes they ride in Amsterdam a Bimble Machines not Speed Weapons.
The question you could ask yourself is why do some people react badly to my polite toot? Does it sound polite at the receiving end?

I give a quick touch on the horn button, well in advance, I don't come up behind a rider who has ear phones in and give a mighty blast and scare the crap out of him/her.
That must be a different Hyde Park to the one I ride through which seems to be trying to squash the cycling boom into a fraction of the width of a minority of the routes through the park, adding crash hazards to the places where walkers cross and closing cycle lanes seemingly on a whim with no advance warning with the only options being a U-turn or a dismount+push that disabled riders cannot easily do! While motorists are also restricted to a minority of routes, I've yet to see the park put up "alight and push" signs for drivers.

Yes. The ones who are screaming to convict other cyclists before the evidence is all heard are the worst by far :tongue:

This guy has convicted himself out of his own gob.

No it was that same Hyde park,some years ago, I never return to London any more, but I do remember it was like walking into a stampede, most of which was not using the cycle lanes, a bit of abuse chucked at this old bloke too. Not exactly ambassadors for cycling. Even old blokes in suits can be cyclists incognito. Antagonising your friends is not a good idea.

There is only one public road through the park, and a ring road. I knew Hyde park when the fastest thing down that road was a prostitute who spotted a cop.
All the cycle routes that have been provided are after all, a concession,not a right, it would take only a shift in political attude to have them removed.

Cyclists need to make friends with non-cyclists, not enemies.


Legendary Member
With prats killing people using brakeless track bikes on the road its no wonder the hairy palmed Mail readers are baying for cyclists blood. As a minority road user we get ten times the scrutiny as the mainstream car drivers, and each infraction draws ten times the criticism from that quarter - its wrong, but that's the way it is.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
I give a quick touch on the horn button, well in advance, I don't come up behind a rider who has ear phones in and give a mighty blast and scare the crap out of him/her.

Struggling to see why you need to warn another road user and specifically a cyclist of your presence. Particularly if you are giving them sufficient room as you pass.
Indeed, I can see an argument that by doing it, you might actually cause a problem in the future. Because there could be one time a cyclist hears a horn and they should be taking notice of it. Instead they choose to ignore it because they have been conditioned by some motorcyclist who sets off his horn every time he passes them, just to let them know he is there, not to warn them of something.


Charming but somewhat feckless
With prats killing people using brakeless track bikes on the road its no wonder the hairy palmed Mail readers are baying for cyclists blood. As a minority road user we get ten times the scrutiny as the mainstream car drivers, and each infraction draws ten times the criticism from that quarter - its wrong, but that's the way it is.

Hold on a mo Drago, there's been one death at the hands of one rider on a bike with no front brake, an extremely rare event. The DM style of fury-inducing coverage is wrong and we (the general public) do not have to accept it and the resultant overblown criticism as 'the way it is', let alone perpetuate it.

I get this kind of stuff at work when criticism of people cycling gets blown out of proportion and delivered as if it's a universal truth.
I always firmly reject it.

Maybe I'm a lone voice with little or no effect but I'm not going to let such people think they have a reasonable point of view at the expense of a generally benign transport mode without saying something to them.


Legendary Member
Hold on a mo Drago, there's been one death at the hands of one rider on a bike with no front brake, an extremely rare event. The DM style of fury-inducing coverage is wrong and we (the general public) do not have to accept it and the resultant overblown criticism as 'the way it is', let alone perpetuate it.

I get this kind of stuff at work when criticism of people cycling gets blown out of proportion and delivered as if it's a universal truth.
I always firmly reject it.

Maybe I'm a lone voice with little or no effect but I'm not going to let such people think they have a reasonable point of view at the expense of a generally benign transport mode without saying something to them.

So essy to be glib and dismissive about the DM....
So essy to be glib and dismissive about the DM....
They all seem to reporting the facts of the case (ok, the two I looked at) not drumming up generic hatred of all cyclists. I don't know if the DM is doing that, but I expect if it isn't it will shortly.

And how did you mess up all those links so badly?

booze and cake

probably out cycling
What is striking to me is all the focus seems to be on blaming the cyclist (and I'm not defending him for a second), and hardly any focus seems to be on the fact the lady seems to have stepped out into the road while looking at her phone. Is stepping out into the highway while not looking not contributory to the accident in any way? Are they implying that it is reasonable to expect pedestrians to step out into the road without looking? If yes, I'm struggling to see that logic applied to car drivers on the same roads, if it is reasonable to expect peds to step out without looking, why are'nt all cars everywhere being driven at 12mph just in case a ped steps out.....cos that's happening isn't it.....

And don't start me off on the Hyde Park cycling policy, what a joke that is, all they have shown is they are very adept at pissing money up the wall on pointless and completely ineffective modifications that IMHO are more likely to cause accidents than avoid them.
I'm going by the details given in the Old Bailey listings link I included in my post where only the wanton and furious driving is mentioned.

It wouldn't make sense that Alliston was additionally charged with manslaughter, perhaps it is an alternative charge.

OK, and this is not aggressive, it's a genuine question: Are you a lawyer? I'm not sure why when the Guardian, Telegraph, Standard, Independent and BBC are all asserting he has been charged with manslaughter, you are certain they are wrong. That Old Bailey page doesn't look like any sort of legal document or charge sheet, it's just picking out enough details of each case that the public can identify it even if you don't know the names of those involved. I'm sure it doesn't list all the charges.

Again, it's a genuine question, not a dig.
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