Just my 2p worth. I had a couple jobs then done my ten year job. I was staring to get annoyed off the more travelling and away from our first born. Last couple years I started moaning about it then I started looking and then interviewed and got first job, but not the place I wanted to get into. Half the distance closer to home tho.
Was there two years, making good money but sick off the hours. 44 a week. Then we were expecting our second and I kept trying to get into the place I wanted. I had my interview on my peternity leave. And then got the job into the place I wanted.
I am probably not doing a job “I love” and a change will happen one day. It will be within the same company. But for now it ticks a lot off boxes. Great hours,37a week, sold a car to cycle there 3 miles, great pension and a veried job role.
Feel lucky to be there but would like a job with a bit more money in the future. No rush as I am only 32 but feel this job has a real work life balence and that to my family is worth it’s weight in gold :-)