Yes but they are for oversized(standard these days) bars, not 26mm like mine.
Watched the video (in this thread) a couple of times and then it was pretty straightforward.Good job that Maz.
How did you find it?
Sorry to disappoint you - it was made by Prologo.Looks neat. Cinelli I hope
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I always used to got from the middle to the outside because it's a neater job over all (you don't need any finishing tape), but it's a right PITA if you find you've not left uncovered bar in the middle to mount your new light, computer, handlebar bag bracket or whatever.
I used to temp in a bike factory in Darlaston where one of my jobs was taping cheap road bikes with nasty vinyl tape. I always used to start in the middle and go outwards, I did thousands like that and nobody told me otherwise!