Changing bar tape...

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Never done this before, but would like to.
Is this a straightforward job (on Spesh Allez)? Which brand of tape should I buy?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It's far more straight forward then it looks.
Check out You Tube for 'How To' vids.

It takes a little practice to get right. Just study the vids and copy whilst taking your time.

Everyone has their own favourite bartape.
Mine is Cinelli.
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Thanks. Not watched any vids yet, so excuse my ignorance - is bar tape self-adhesive?


Man or Moose!
Bar tape is as Ian says a personal choice. I like Cinelli cork or Fizik Microtex (with this I put a bit of cheap cork tape under at the main contact points for a tad more comfort, it is cheaper than those gel pad things).

As for wrapping, it is easy to do, takes a little patience etc, but you would have to be a bit ham fisted to mess it up bad! There are some good video's on the internet. Main point is that it is best to wrap from the drop up and over the hoods and then along the tops (IMO, other people say the other way is best but I completely disagree). If you go the other way, it will sort of peel/curl where your hands try to slide down the bars when you grip the hoods or the bends.

Yes, most tapes have an adhesive strip running down the middle, it is not super sticky i.e. not one mistake and all over sticky, you can make corrections as you go. It can also be revealed in stages as your wrap rather than all at once.
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Über Member
simple job more trial and error and as you wrap the bars you can tell if its done to which Ill say, your standards and nice electrical tape to finish it off
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Über Member
They are self adhesive although be mindful of pulling the adhesive off with the protective tape (as I did...).

It's not hard to do although it does take some patience. Watch out for wrapping around the brake hoods though, it can be a bit of a faff.
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Fleet, Hants
I would recommend taking LOADS of photos as you remove the existing tape around the hoods. Also as you unwrap around the hoods have a go at putting the old tape back on so you can see how it goes, it will be creased and stretched in all the right places so you will know when you have it right or wrong.
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Large Member
Make sure you keep the tape pulled tight as you wrap - don't let the tension drop.

Also, the finishing tape only needs to go on the bar tape itself, and not overlapping on the bars. Every beginner (:blush:) makes that mistake and it looks blooming awful!
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A Human Being
I recently changed the bar tape on my Ridgeback to Specialized Phat tape, comes with gel inserts for a comfier ride.


Legendary Member
Specialized tape is pretty good, with or without the gel pads.

Do it somewhere warm so that the tape is nice and soft and stretchy. make a cup of tea, banish kids, cats, wife etc, put on some nice music or a R4 play and set to. You'll need vinyl tape and sharp kitchen scissors.

Start at the outer ends and wind tightly in an outwards direction, after three or four winds go back and tuck the ends in and trap them with the plugs. Go up checking carefully as you go. Fit the little extra length that comes with the roll then go around the hoods, back then around again. Keep it tight and firm and even as you come round approaching the middle of the bars. Gauge the finish so that there's just a little too much left then with some sharp kitchen scissors, cut out a wedge from the inner side of the tape so that it finishes nice and snug up against the point where the bars thicken for the stem. Don't make the mistake of cutting from the outer side because that will leave a ridge on top of the last wind. Finish with some vinyl tape.

Then run your hands over the tape to check it's nice and snug, pour another cup of tea, sit back and admire your bike for a few minutes.


Über Member
Time spent on reconaissance is seldom wasted...

Have a couple of dry runs without taking the backing off.

Once you've got it looking nice a time or two, peel off the backing and take your time.


Legendary Member
I used to temp in a bike factory in Darlaston where one of my jobs was taping cheap road bikes with nasty vinyl tape. I always used to start in the middle and go outwards, I did thousands like that and nobody told me otherwise!


I used to temp in a bike factory in Darlaston where one of my jobs was taping cheap road bikes with nasty vinyl tape. I always used to start in the middle and go outwards, I did thousands like that and nobody told me otherwise!
What is vinyl tape? Is it different to bar tape?


Legendary Member
No, just the really thin nasty stuff you used to see on road bikes. Most bar tape probably is vinyl but technology has moved on in 30 years so nowadays they can make vinyl look like leather and fill it with little bubbles and all kinds of stuff to make it more spongey.

The electrical insulation tape you need for finishing off is also vinyl, it's probably got more plasticiser to make it soft and pliable.
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