Changes worth celebrating, that have happened in my lifetime

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Where do you live swee'pea99? There's lots of racism, sexism and homophobia in Birmingham.
'The hell that is' London. And of course it does still exist...just way, way less than when I was young.
All uphill

All uphill

Still rolling along
Digital photography.

Easier access to reliable contraception.

Decline of the established church.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Hubble telescope , the discovery of planets around other stars, the age of Universe determined, black holes photographed, gravitational waves detected.



Smoking ban in pubs.
It's amazing how attitude changed. When I was young everywhere you went was a haze of cigarette smoke and smokers were happy to light up in the home or the car of a non-smoker.

If you watch an old TV programme now it seems alien to see people smoking indoors and I find it hard to believe that I used to do it myself. I now find the very idea utterly absurd and hate being around smokers as I can smell it off my clothes.

I walk past a secondary school on my way to work and I see all the teenagers standing about outside and it is very rare to see one smoking whereas it would have been pretty normal to be having a a fag before going into school when I was a teenager. That really is a change for the better.
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