Lien Sdrawde
Über Member
- Location
- Mancunia (Ashton under Lyne)
In preparation for doing much greater distances this year, and following the purchase of a new saddle, I thought i'd treat myself to some chamois cream to see if it helped things along.
I will tell you now, this stuff is more complicated than you may think. Instructions appear straight forward - ''apply specifically to groin and buttocks'', but to my mind that covers a fairly broad area, and i'm sure it should be better targeted than that. So, I set about trying to work out how best to apply.
I try to hoik my plum bag up to my naval with one hand, and I have a fair portion of cream in the other hand ready to daub it on. I catch sight of myself in the mirror and question what dignity I have left? An application process ensues.
I now need to get some cream 'round the back', and I dont know if its cos i'm a bit tubby at the moment but this proves very tricky and after making several attempts to position myself, I find that kneeling on all fours provides appropriate access; just after starting this second creaming the wife walks in.
I stop what i'm doing and give her a cheery wave. She does not respond in a polite manner, and it takes several minutes of explanation to get her to come round. I consider asking for her help, but wisdom gets the better of me.
Time to put the bike on the trainer and assess results. Bugger, I cant tell any difference at all. Not a jot. Later in the evening the 'Tour of Oman' is on the tele, and I dont know why i'm watching it, but I am; Its the time trail stage and whilst teams are waiting to start, you can see other teams off to the side starting to get ready. I spot one fella with his cycling shorts in his hand, and he's absolutey painting some cream into the pad of his shorts - and not in a 'Rembrant' kind of way, but more like Rolf Harris would. I'm astonished. I never would have thought so much was needed.
Anyway, (and i'm getting to the point now) .....
how much do others use?
and if you use it on day 1, do you change kit the next day or just apply another layer?
I will tell you now, this stuff is more complicated than you may think. Instructions appear straight forward - ''apply specifically to groin and buttocks'', but to my mind that covers a fairly broad area, and i'm sure it should be better targeted than that. So, I set about trying to work out how best to apply.

I try to hoik my plum bag up to my naval with one hand, and I have a fair portion of cream in the other hand ready to daub it on. I catch sight of myself in the mirror and question what dignity I have left? An application process ensues.
I now need to get some cream 'round the back', and I dont know if its cos i'm a bit tubby at the moment but this proves very tricky and after making several attempts to position myself, I find that kneeling on all fours provides appropriate access; just after starting this second creaming the wife walks in.

Time to put the bike on the trainer and assess results. Bugger, I cant tell any difference at all. Not a jot. Later in the evening the 'Tour of Oman' is on the tele, and I dont know why i'm watching it, but I am; Its the time trail stage and whilst teams are waiting to start, you can see other teams off to the side starting to get ready. I spot one fella with his cycling shorts in his hand, and he's absolutey painting some cream into the pad of his shorts - and not in a 'Rembrant' kind of way, but more like Rolf Harris would. I'm astonished. I never would have thought so much was needed.
Anyway, (and i'm getting to the point now) .....
how much do others use?
and if you use it on day 1, do you change kit the next day or just apply another layer?