Chain Slipping

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You don't need a chain whip. You do need a freewheel remover, but make sure you get the right one. There's some good basic info here.

Ivan Ardon

Well-Known Member
I'm afraid you've been told incorrectly. "Some bloke" has given you the method for removing a cassette hub.

For a freewheel, you don't need a chainwhip to remove it. You DO need a freewheel remover of the right type and a big spanner to turn it.

Unless you're going to be using it a lot (or it fits other bikes you have) it's probably going to be worth asking your LBS to spin it off for a few quid.


This would probably do you...but check your cassette first. (It's easy enough to see what you need to engage - grooves, slots etc.


Legendary Member
As has been said they can be on pretty tight so I'd say acess to a vice is a good idea - put the frewheel remover in the vice, attach to frewheel and do it that way, or alternatively a long spanner giving you lots of torque. Make sure you're turning the right way


New Member
Thanks again fellas.

I'm going to take it to my lbs for his view, but I am going to do the job myself, because I want to learn.

I'm going to have a go at truing the wheels as well. :biggrin:
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