To adjust an FD from scratch,
1 ensure your left lever is in the low postion,
2 disconnect the cable at the pinch bolt on the FD,
3 make sure the FD cage is parallel with the rings,
4 adjust the low stop screw so the cage is about a 0.5-1mm from the inner ring/chain,
5 reattach the cable pulling taught with pliers try not to damage the cable, this should take up the slack you would normally take up with the barrel adjuster,
6 once done shift up through the big rings, if its doesn't move onto the outer front ring the high stop needs to be undone slightly.
Tip if when the cable is detached hold the cage with one hand and the adjust with the other the movement will be felt easier than looking for it visually, once you know which screw is the low stop you will know the other is the high stop, also if nothing happens chances are its the high stop you are adjusting, so adjust the other, then reattach ect..