Central Heating - on yet?

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Giving the heating a quick blast as despite being well wrapped up my arms and hands were cold, and the washing hasn't lost the "slightly damp" feeling in several days and I need to do some more washing.

Thankfully it's underfloor heating so no radiators cluttering the place up.


Ot didn't come on this am but by 1 I pushed the advance button to trigger the boiler out of it two times a day mode. Wet and horrible outside was beginning to be felt indoors.
My heating only came on for about 40 minutes this morning then the thermostat kicked in and it switched off. The temp has held steady all day at around 20 deg and although the heating was supposed to switch on again half an hour ago, it hasn't as the temp is still 20deg - which is what it's set at. However, I've just reset it to 21 deg as my perception is that it's getting cold(er) as it gets wetter and darker outside, and I am more tired and relaxed as the evening wears on.
I might need to rethink my settings and timings according to my bodyclock, not just the 24-hour one!


My heating only came on for about 40 minutes this morning then the thermostat kicked in and it switched off. The temp has held steady all day at around 20 deg and although the heating was supposed to switch on again half an hour ago, it hasn't as the temp is still 20deg - which is what it's set at. However, I've just reset it to 21 deg as my perception is that it's getting cold(er) as it gets wetter and darker outside, and I am more tired and relaxed as the evening wears on.
I might need to rethink my settings and timings according to my bodyclock, not just the 24-hour one!

Your mention of cold and damp got me thinking of the option to run a dehumidifier in the background during the winter months. The one our daughter uses has a " smart " sensor that monitors the humidity and varies the speed according ( Ebac ). I think the maximum power draw is 180 watts so not too power hungry, and most of the power it uses is released as heat back into the room. The dryer air needs less energy to heat up and feels more comfortable, plus the HEPA filter should improve the air quality.
Your mention of cold and damp got me thinking of the option to run a dehumidifier in the background during the winter months. The one our daughter uses has a " smart " sensor that monitors the humidity and varies the speed according ( Ebac ). I think the maximum power draw is 180 watts so not too power hungry, and most of the power it uses is released as heat back into the room. The dryer air needs less energy to heat up and feels more comfortable, plus the HEPA filter should improve the air quality.

Yes, when I lived in NZ, it wasn't cold as such (as in degrees of temperature) but crikey I often felt colder there than I'd ever done in much colder countries' winters!
A dehumidifier solved the problem AND stopped the blue mould on all my clothes and books, in its tracks.
Mind you it'd've taken a lot more than a dehumidifier to warm me up when I went to Queenstown in winter - it was the first time since my childhood that I'd seen Jack Frost's art, on the inside of the (single-glazed) window in the bathroom of the b & b where I was staying. Have to say that I didn't shower for a few days, until I'd moved accommodation!


Firm and Fruity
The weather is so cold that we are having to put the heating on at the moment to keep the chill off.
It’s late April, why are we stuck in this endless cold spell with no improvement in sight.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Had a bike ride last night then a shower, and then nodded off on the sofa about 11pm. Woke up 3 hours later, freezing cold & shivering, and with cramp in my right calf, then had to slip into a very cold bed.
Usually the cats warm my side up, but they had rearranged themselves around my wife's head!

Tldr: i resisted the temptation to put on the heating


My central heating has been on for less than 30 hours in total this winter. We have a small woodburner (5kw....really small), and have a fire some evenings, but generally a combination of a ridiculously warm winter and good insulation and glazing have meant we've stayed toasty warm with very little space heating input.
My central heating has been on for less than 30 hours in total this winter. We have a small woodburner (5kw....really small), and have a fire some evenings, but generally a combination of a ridiculously warm winter and good insulation and glazing have meant we've stayed toasty warm with very little space heating input.

jealous, we have a fireplace, but our condo is a 3 story townhouse style & our fireplace is on the top floor. don't know what genius decided that. maybe so that if there's a fire it will burn from the top down, giving us a chance to escape? so anyway, it does nothing to heat our home. :wacko: next time we move, if ever, we'll get a place with a downstairs fireplace / wood stove, etc.
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