Central Heating - on yet?

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Talking of dehumidifiers I inherited one years ago but I barely ever use it.
It's called am Amcor HD 320.
Just switched it on to see if it's still working as it's donkeys years old.

Hint, check the filters are clean. They tend to get bunged up with micro fluff


Good on you for the tip,
There's a black mesh type filter on the front.Just taken it out and sure enough its covered in a fine layer of fluff.A quick vacuum and it's now good to go.
It's been on now for just over an hour and the humidity has dropped from 60% to 54%..
Its that old I've noticed the white plastic casing has faded to a yellow colour from the sun over the years,🥴


Good on you for the tip,
There's a black mesh type filter on the front.Just taken it out and sure enough its covered in a fine layer of fluff.A quick vacuum and it's now good to go.
It's been on now for just over an hour and the humidity has dropped from 60% to 54%..
Its that old I've noticed the white plastic casing has faded to a yellow colour from the sun over the years,🥴

Don't think the casing colour is mission critical.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
One of the problems with the current apartment; there's nowhere else to dry clothes.
I wish i had a bigger utility room, or one that wasn't filled with freezer, washing machine, water softener, boiler and cupboards.

A friend devotes their warmed utility room to clothes drying, with heat-recovery ventilation unit to remove all the moisture.

You can spend enormous amounts of money on whole-house heat recovery ventilation systems. Probably quite good at preventing condensation...


Good to see you so sparky this morning. I wonder Watts causing it?

He was erged to do it!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
switched the heater on ( on thermostat) in the hallway as it gets no heat as we keep the lounge door closed so the moggy doesnt go upstairs into the bedrooms .
heating needs it to drop another degree before it kicks in

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just spent time bleeding my living room radiator, when feeling it wasn't as warm as it should be, only to find on checking the twist on/off tap on the radiator that it wasn't turned up enough. :rolleyes:

It was only 68 Fahrenheit in my living room, which isn't warm enough for me.:cold:
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I dug out my room thermometer last night as my bathroom in this place always feels as if its at a comfortable temperature - it was nicely warm when I had a shower early yesterday morning, although there was a definite nip in the outside air, but during the warm spell last month it felt pleasantly cool. It's an 'interior' room with a ventilation fan linked to the light, and its 'outside' wall is alongside the block's corridor.

At 11pm last night it was about 6deg outside; my bathroom was 19deg and my living room 18deg. At 7am this morning, it was approaching-but-not-quite a frost outside after a clear night and my livingroom temperature had dropped to ~15deg, although the bathroom temperature was 19deg still. This (living room temp) felt a bit chilly with bare feet and just my summer short-sleeved pjs on, so I made a quick trip back to the cosy bathroom for my fleecy dressing gown and a pair of socks

However, I have a very large window and fully-glazed door in the living room which - for a variety of reasons - are not yet curtained, so I consider that to be a very small loss of heat overnight. The sun has risen and is warming the living room - 8am and it's 17 deg already in here; I'm confident that once I'm properly curtained (next week!) I'll still not need the CH on for a while unless there's a sudden early cold spell. Although I might dig out the fan heater so it's handy for a 15 minute blast, first thing.

I suppose if I really felt seriously chilly :cold:, but was determined not to switch on my CH, I could go and sit :reading:on the toilet seat all day!
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